Subsubsection: Thursday 18 September 1930 Up Section: Stratford Subsubsection: Friday 19 September 1930 

30 May 2018 (Meeting a Dragon)

A few minutes later, after some quick discussion about what to say to the police, a heavy knock comes on the door. The constable mentions Jameson; Bessie and Audrey act fluffy, and after a quick look round he’s bappy to leave them alone for the rest of the night.
Later in the morning they call Gertrude and Millie (plus Horatio) round, and discuss what happened. Lin Tan is hanging on to the sword, which is preternaturally sharp; Gertrude has a look at it, and the enchantment seems to be quite firmly built in. She considers ways of putting it in a box to make it safe to carry. The group scrubs away the burned patch on the ceiling.
Jameson calls after breakfast, and works to reach a mutually acceptable explanation (Audrey talks about having fired at an intruder, and there’s no body, which makes things much easier). The group mentions that recent members of the Cavalry Club might be Boswell in his new identity. There’s no sign of the letters, or the other stolen safe-deposit boxes
The group calls at the Warings’ house, where the two maids are up but on light duties. In Portland Place the distortion is mostly gone (Bessie reckons the workmen have been playing jazz too). Delagardie is still old; Gertrude thinks this isn’t so much an affliction as the result of some kind of draining. They ask him to check the Cavalry Club’s membership book.
Bessie and Audrey spend the afternoon plotting the various attacks, and potential future victims, on several maps. Gertrude and Millie go to Sutton, but reckon it’ll be too obvious to go up a ladder to the distortion in daylight. They take a cake to Sonia, and talk about ways of generating extreme heat; she mentions magnesium, and thermite.
Bessie tries a technique of divination with a pendulum, and gets the impression that Sir Archibald Page will be the next victim (at his home in Sanderstead, not all that far from Sutton).
The group calls on Sir George to return his keys, and to ask whether they might use him as a reference with Sir Archibald.
Gertrude makes the sword box.
 Subsubsection: Thursday 18 September 1930 Up Section: Stratford Subsubsection: Friday 19 September 1930