Subsubsection: Monday 14 July 1930 Up Subsection: 5 July 2017 (An Inordinate Fondness for Beetles) Subsubsection: Wednesday 16 July 1930 

Tuesday 15 July 1930

Gertrude and Milly visit Felicity, who confirms that the dreams have lessened in the last few days, and let her know that they’ve found Aubrey. They quiz her about the last meeting of the film club (on Sunday 15 June), but she doesn’t remember anything remarkable: Aubrey brought a bottle of wine and they toasted absent friends, among others, but this wasn’t unusual. There was no suggestion of a romantic attachment between Aubrey and her. (This might, Gertrude thinks, have made her a target for the Nosferatu.)
Gertrude tries to contact Mrs Smith, without success, and they visit Kidlington (with lunch). It seems that he’s working more slowly and with less inspiration, though he won’t admit it.
At dusk there’s a major riot, with many Marias, all visible; windows get broken and things get set on fire. Lin Tan and Gertrude separately try to tackle them, but these Marias are smart and perceptive, and hunt in packs. They head for Audrey’s.
 Subsubsection: Monday 14 July 1930 Up Subsection: 5 July 2017 (An Inordinate Fondness for Beetles) Subsubsection: Wednesday 16 July 1930