Subsection: 15 August 2018 (Meeting the Anarchists) Up Subsection: 15 August 2018 (Meeting the Anarchists) Subsubsection: Friday 26 September 1930 

Thursday 25 September 1930

An anarchist pamphlet arrives at the agency; hand-written inside is “Royal Marine, Deptford, 9pm”. That evening, Bessie, Audrey and Gertrude visit the pub, tucked away in back roads; there are three women at a table, not being bothered by the locals. One of them, by body language the obvious leader and apparently a professional woman of some sort, perhaps a nurse or similar, is wearing cheap brass earrings with quite a bit of shine on them; the other two, who seem to be well-off working class, stay silent throughout the meeting. There are no introductions, but the leader disclaims any responsibility for the killing of knights; as for the other incidents, “when a tool comes to hand, one would be remiss not to use it”. The three seem somewhat confused by the group’s attitude: they were prepared for police spies, or for new recruits, but not for this middle course. As they get ready to leave and mention that they’re not planning to talk to anyone, the leader sends a cloud of shine over to the three; Bessie and Gertrude fight it off, Audrey doesn’t, though it has no obvious effect. The leader seems happier after this (“your concerns are strictly practical”).
 Subsection: 15 August 2018 (Meeting the Anarchists) Up Subsection: 15 August 2018 (Meeting the Anarchists) Subsubsection: Friday 26 September 1930