He is a demon son of Kasyapa or Vipracitti and Simhika who devours the sun and moon to cause eclipses.
Ahi |
Demons who are the offspring of Kasyapa and Muni or forms that arose from the anger of Brahma or his foot.
Arujas | Asaniprabha | Asira | Asrapa | Atikaya |
Baka | Balaka | Bhauma | Bhimaksa | Bhrasakarna |
Bhutihan | Brhaddhvaja | Cakramauli | Carvaka | Citrasvana |
Dansa | Dasagriva | Devantaka | Dhumraketu | Dhumraksa |
Dhumrasikha | Dhurandhara | Divakara | Durga | Dusana |
Ghatodara | Hanusa | Harijata | Hastikarna |
Bhumipala | Ciravasus |
Virupaksa - Citradharman
Daksakantha | Dasakandhara | Dasanana | Dasasya | Dasmukha |
Son Candragupta m Dhruvadevi Ravana's captains
Female Raksasas
Ayomukhi | Bidalaksa | Chayagrahi | Dirghajihva | Dundha | Ekajata |
Grhadevi |
Demons who are the sons of Kasyapa and Danu, often identified with the daityas.
Asva | Bahusaktin | Cakrayodhin | Candralocana | Candranabha |
Candraprabha (f) | Citraratha | Citrasena | Dagdharatha | Devaprabha |
Dharmapriya | Dhumrakesa | Dirghabahu | Dirghajihva | Dirghakantha |
Drumiinimila | Durapa | Durjaya | Dvivaktra | Gajasiras |
Haridatta |
Demons who are the sons of Kasyapa and Diti.
Atapin | Ayahkaya | Bahu | Candasakti | Damanaka | Danapati |
The children of Kasyapa by Diti who are oppponents of the gods.
Anarsani | Andhaka | Araru | Arbuda | Arista |
Arkanayaana | Atiloma | Ayahsanku | Ayahsiras | Balavala |
Balhika | Baskala | Bhanudatta | Bhanukopa | Bhasmasura |
Cakradrsa | Cancala | Canda | Candrabahu | Candrahantr |
Candravinasana | Canura | Caturasya | Daivya | Dantamukha |
Dhenuka | Dhundumat | Drdhavajra /k | Dundhu | Dundhubi |
Durgamsa | Durmarsa | Gaganamurdha | Garuistha | Gavistha |
Ghantadara | Gomukha | Gopati | Harava | Haryaksa |
Hayagriva | Hunda | Illibisa | Sakuni |
Asurendra | Daityapati | Daityendra | Danavendra | Ditija |
Devapani (m) - a class of Asuras Bali - An emperor of the Asuras, son of Virocana and grandson of Prahlada.
Asuradhipa |
Son Bana
Daughter Asna, mother of a 1000 sons
Six Goddesses of Magic
Buddhakapalini |
Drmbhika a demon
This collection of names compiled by Kate Monk. Copyright January 1997, Kate Monk. Last updated October, 98. Copies may be made for personal use only.