12 Planets (size proportional to Sqrt(Radius))
Sun Rock Rock Terrestrial Asteroids Martian Sub-Jovian Jovian Martian Jovian Jovian Jovian Ice See
Stellar charactersistics
Stellar mass 0.87 solar masses
Stellar luminosity 0.52
Age 1.848 billion years
(14.928 billion left on main sequence)
Habitable ecosphere radius 0.720 AU

Planetary Overview
1 Rock Rock 0.294 AU 0.050 EM 0.372 ER
2 Rock Rock 0.447 AU 0.039 EM 0.345 ER
3 Terrestrial Terrestrial 0.671 AU 1.122 EM 1.042 ER
4 Asteroids Asteroids 1.055 AU 0.001 EM 0.083 ER
5 Martian Martian 1.332 AU 2.276 EM 1.310 ER
6 Sub-Jovian Sub-Jovian 2.471 AU 10.261 EM 3.631 ER
7 Jovian Jovian 4.347 AU 69.504 EM 6.649 ER
8 Martian Martian 7.244 AU 0.718 EM 1.201 ER
9 Jovian Jovian 9.050 AU 36.255 EM 5.846 ER
10 Jovian Jovian 13.292 AU 23.885 EM 5.344 ER
11 Jovian Jovian 20.330 AU 40.403 EM 6.454 ER
12 Ice Ice 44.468 AU 0.633 EM 1.153 ER

Planet #1 Statistics
Planet typeRockRock
Tidally Locked 1 Face
Low-G, Hot, Airless, 1-Face
Distance from primary star4.4E+07 KM0.294 AU
Mass3E+23Kg0.050 Earth masses
Surface gravity349.9 cm/sec20.36 Earth gees
Surface pressure 0 millibars0.000 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature155.2° Celsius
311.4° Fahrenheit
+141.2° C Earth temperature
+254.2° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-193.2° C
-315.7° F
- 349.9° C
661.8° F
-204.4° C
-335.9° F
- 353.6° C
668.5° F
Equatorial radius2375.4 Km0.37 Earth radii
Density5.27 grams/cc0.95 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.095
Escape Velocity 4.1 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained257.6 and above
Axial tilt13°
Planetary albedo 0.07
Exospheric Temperature7628.79K+6355.79° C Earth temperature
Length of year62.45 Earth days1.00 Local days
Length of day1498.89 hours
Boiling point of water-273.1° Celsius
-459.7° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage 0.0

Planet #2 Statistics
Planet typeRockRock
Resonant Spin Locked
Low-G, Hot, Airless, 1-Face
Distance from primary star6.7E+07 KM0.447 AU
Mass2.4E+23Kg0.039 Earth masses
Surface gravity323.9 cm/sec20.33 Earth gees
Surface pressure 0 millibars0.000 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature 74.1° Celsius
165.4° Fahrenheit
+60.1° C Earth temperature
+108.2° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-223.8° C
-370.8° F
- 252.8° C
487.0° F
Equatorial radius2200.6 Km0.35 Earth radii
Density5.27 grams/cc0.95 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.109
Escape Velocity 3.8 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained129.7 and aboveXe
Axial tilt14°
Planetary albedo 0.07
Exospheric Temperature3295.65K+2022.65° C Earth temperature
Length of year117.20 Earth days1.25 Local days
Length of day2258.44 hours
Boiling point of water-273.1° Celsius
-459.7° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage 0.0

Planet #3 Statistics
Planet typeTerrestrialTerrestrial
Wet, Cloudy (N2, O2 - unbreathable)
Distance from primary star1E+08 KM0.671 AU
Mass6.7E+24Kg1.122 Earth masses
Surface gravity1012.2 cm/sec21.03 Earth gees
Surface pressure 1448 millibars1.429 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature 13.9° Celsius
57.0° Fahrenheit
-0.1° C Earth temperature
-0.2° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
9.4° C
49.0° F
- 18.0° C
64.5° F
-12.4° C
9.6° F
- 38.8° C
101.8° F
Equatorial radius6647.5 Km1 Earth radii
Density5.45 grams/cc0.99 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.166
Escape Velocity11.6 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 6.1 and aboveN, O, CH4, NH3, H2O, Ne, N2, CO...
Nitrogen 94.0%  1360 mb (ipp: 1301) 
Oxygen  6.0%  87 mb (ipp: 83) 
Axial tilt24°
Planetary albedo 0.47
Exospheric Temperature1461.86K+188.86° C Earth temperature
Length of year215.63 Earth days289.76 Local days
Length of day17.86 hours
Boiling point of water110.3° Celsius
230.6° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage84.4
Cloud cover percentage86.3
Ice cover percentage 1.0

Planet #4 Statistics
Planet typeAsteroidsAsteroids
Tidally Locked 1 Face
Low-G, Cold, Airless, 1-Face
Distance from primary star1.6E+08 KM1.055 AU
Mass3.3E+21Kg0.001 Earth masses
Surface gravity77.6 cm/sec20.08 Earth gees
Surface pressure 0 millibars0.000 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-47.0° Celsius
-52.6° Fahrenheit
-61.0° C Earth temperature
-109.8° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-242.1° C
-403.7° F
- 96.5° C
205.7° F
Equatorial radius528.9 Km0.083 Earth radii
Density5.25 grams/cc0.95 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.089
Escape Velocity 0.9 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained405.4 and above
Axial tilt19°
Planetary albedo 0.07
Exospheric Temperature592.62K-680.38° C Earth temperature
Length of year424.44 Earth days1.00 Local days
1.16 Earth years
Length of day10186.52 hours
Boiling point of water-273.1° Celsius
-459.7° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage 0.0

Planet #5 Statistics
Planet typeMartianMartian
High-G, Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudless, Thick atmosphere
Distance from primary star2E+08 KM1.332 AU
Mass1.4E+25Kg2.276 Earth masses
Surface gravity1300.8 cm/sec21.33 Earth gees
Surface pressure 5960 millibars5.882 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-14.0° Celsius
6.8° Fahrenheit
-28.0° C Earth temperature
-50.4° F Earth temperature
+54.3° C greenhouse effect
Normal temperature range
-15.5° C
4.1° F
- -12.5° C
9.4° F
-26.1° C
-15.0° F
- -2.5° C
27.6° F
Equatorial radius8352.4 Km1.3 Earth radii
Density5.57 grams/cc1 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.026
Escape Velocity14.7 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 1.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt29°
Planetary albedo 0.31
Exospheric Temperature371.42K-901.58° C Earth temperature
Length of year602.55 Earth days1086.71 Local days
1.65 Earth years
Length of day13.31 hours
Boiling point of water156.5° Celsius
313.7° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 9.3
Ice cover percentage28.2

Planet #6 Statistics
Planet typeSub-JovianSub-Jovian
Distance from primary star3.7E+08 KM2.471 AU
Mass6.1E+25Kg10.261 Earth masses
5.299 Earth masses dust
4.962 Earth masses gas
Equatorial radius23155.4 Km3.6 Earth radii
Density1.18 grams/cc0.21 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.020
Escape Velocity18.8 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.3 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt17°
Planetary albedo 0.49
Exospheric Temperature107.95K-1165.05° C Earth temperature
Length of year1522.25 Earth days2469.38 Local days
4.17 Earth years
Length of day14.79 hours

Planet #7 Statistics
Planet typeJovianJovian
Distance from primary star6.5E+08 KM4.347 AU
Mass4.2E+26Kg69.504 Earth masses
12.070 Earth masses dust
57.433 Earth masses gas
Equatorial radius42405.3 Km6.6 Earth radii
Density1.30 grams/cc0.24 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.008
Escape Velocity36.2 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt19°
Planetary albedo 0.52
Exospheric Temperature 34.87K-1238.13° C Earth temperature
Length of year3552.00 Earth days8188.75 Local days
9.72 Earth years
Length of day10.41 hours

Planet #8 Statistics
Planet typeMartianMartian
Low-G, Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudless, Thin atmosphere
Distance from primary star1.1E+09 KM7.244 AU
Mass4.3E+24Kg0.718 Earth masses
Surface gravity488.1 cm/sec20.50 Earth gees
Surface pressure 318 millibars0.314 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-186.3° Celsius
-303.3° Fahrenheit
-200.3° C Earth temperature
-360.5° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-189.5° C
-309.1° F
- -183.2° C
-297.8° F
-206.4° C
-339.5° F
- -168.1° C
-270.5° F
Equatorial radius7661.8 Km1.2 Earth radii
Density2.28 grams/cc0.41 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.044
Escape Velocity 8.6 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.2 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt43°
Planetary albedo 0.33
Exospheric Temperature 12.56K-1260.44° C Earth temperature
Length of year7641.58 Earth days8453.96 Local days
20.92 Earth years
Length of day21.69 hours
Boiling point of water70.8° Celsius
159.4° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage32.7

Planet #9 Statistics
Planet typeJovianJovian
Distance from primary star1.4E+09 KM9.050 AU
Mass2.2E+26Kg36.255 Earth masses
6.724 Earth masses dust
29.532 Earth masses gas
Equatorial radius37283.9 Km5.8 Earth radii
Density1.00 grams/cc0.18 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.069
Escape Velocity27.8 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt44°
Planetary albedo 0.54
Exospheric Temperature 8.05K-1264.95° C Earth temperature
Length of year10669.72 Earth days20205.93 Local days
29.21 Earth years
Length of day12.67 hours

Planet #10 Statistics
Planet typeJovianJovian
Distance from primary star2E+09 KM13.292 AU
Mass1.4E+26Kg23.885 Earth masses
4.609 Earth masses dust
19.276 Earth masses gas
Equatorial radius34085.5 Km5.3 Earth radii
Density0.86 grams/cc0.16 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.017
Escape Velocity23.6 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt35°
Planetary albedo 0.53
Exospheric Temperature 3.73K-1269.27° C Earth temperature
Length of year18991.89 Earth days31931.79 Local days
52.00 Earth years
Length of day14.27 hours

Planet #11 Statistics
Planet typeJovianJovian
Distance from primary star3E+09 KM20.330 AU
Mass2.4E+26Kg40.403 Earth masses
5.380 Earth masses dust
35.023 Earth masses gas
Equatorial radius41165.4 Km6.5 Earth radii
Density0.83 grams/cc0.15 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.012
Escape Velocity28.0 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt38°
Planetary albedo 0.51
Exospheric Temperature 1.59K-1271.41° C Earth temperature
Length of year35923.64 Earth days65045.31 Local days
98.35 Earth years
Length of day13.25 hours

Planet #12 Statistics
Planet typeIceIce
Low-G, Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudless, Thin atmosphere
Distance from primary star6.7E+09 KM44.468 AU
0.633 Earth masses
0.487 Earth masses dust
0.147 Earth masses gas
Surface gravity466.9 cm/sec20.48 Earth gees
Surface pressure 115 millibars0.114 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-237.9° Celsius
-396.2° Fahrenheit
-251.9° C Earth temperature
-453.4° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-239.8° C
-399.6° F
- -236.0° C
-392.7° F
-252.7° C
-422.9° F
- -223.7° C
-370.7° F
Equatorial radius7354.9 Km1.2 Earth radii
Density2.27 grams/cc0.41 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.196
Escape Velocity 8.3 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt62°
Planetary albedo 0.23
Exospheric Temperature 0.33K-1272.67° C Earth temperature
Length of year116218.00 Earth days125760.52 Local days
318.18 Earth years
Length of day22.18 hours
Boiling point of water48.6° Celsius
119.4° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage100.0

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