1. Introduction
This file gives some suggestions for converting the empathic powers from Dark Conspiracy to GURPS 4th edition. The Basic Set's Characters book, and GURPS Powers, will be needed.
1.1. Rights
As far as I am aware, the rights to Dark Conspiracy as a role-playing game were last held by Dynasty Presentations, Inc.; I have no idea whether this organisation is still extant.
GURPS is copyright Steve Jackson Games Inc., and one of their registered trademarks. It is intended that its use here should be in compliance with Steve Jackson Games' on-line policy, as given at http://www.sjgames.com/general/online_policy.html, at the time of writing.
No challenge to or infringement of these or any other intellectual properties is intended by the author(s) of this material.
1.2. General notes
Each individual power has a separate IQ/H skill associated with it, default IQ-6. This is used in place of IQ for all activation rolls.
The Telecommunication (Detect) limitation indicates that the power may only be used on targets that have been acquired using the associated Detect power - which must be maintained, possibly with a fatigue cost, while the power is being used.
The -10% power modifier (Neuropathic, Psionic, Mystical or Sorcerous) should be set appropriately based on the means by which the character learns the power. This makes no difference to cost but may affect available countermeasures.
2. Power groups
2.1. Neuropathy
Neuropathy Talent: 5 points/level.
Available powers are: Animal Empathy, Computer Empathy, Dimension Walk, Empathic Healing, Foreboding, Human Empathy, Project Emotion, Project Thought and Willpower Drain. In special cases, Darkling Empathy, Dissolution and Plant Empathy may be available.
Some powers require an empathic link (for example Empathic Healing, Project Emotion and Project Thought). A successful Mind Reading using the appropriate Empathy power (Human Empathy, Darkling Empathy, etc.), which much be learned at level 2 at least, will establish such a link.
After any failed neuropathic skill roll, it is not normally possible to retry immediately. However, the character may attempt to "push" his power. This is a check against willpower at -2; if it succeeds, the character may retry the skill roll. If the push fails, the character suffers an immediate fright check, with bonus equal to the margin of failure, as well as d6 damage to the head (DR, obviously, does not protect, but the normal damage multiplier for this location does not apply).
2.2. Psionics
Psionics Talent: 5 points/level.
Nobody with any Psionics powers may learn Mysticism.
Available powers are: Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Computer Empathy, Cryokinesis, Dimension Walk, ESP, Mental Attack, Mind Shield, Project Emotion, Project Thought, Psionic Scan, Pyrokinesis, Self-Healing, Telekinesis, Telepathy and Teleportation.
2.3. Sorcery
Available powers are: Change Environment (Short Term), Change Environment (Extended), Change Environment (Special), Close Portal, Dimension Walk, Phase, Sorcerous Flight and Sorcerous Telekinesis
2.4. Mysticism
Nobody with any Mysticism powers may learn Psionics.
Available powers are: Animal Empathy, Astral Combat, Aura Reading, Clairvoyant Link, Computer Empathy, Darkling Empathy, Dimension Walk, Dream Intrusion, Empathic Healing, Enter Astral Proto-Dimension, Exorcism, Foreboding, Human Empathy, Hypnosis, Invulnerability, Possession, Project Emotion, Project Thought, Psyche Surgery, Psychic Beacon, Psychic Invisibility, Psychic Invulnerability, Psychic Tracking, Psychometry, Time Travel
3. Powers
3.1. Animal Empathy 8/26/36/51/69
Initial levels are -1/hex of range (spell style). Level 4 and above use long distance modifiers for detection and speed/range for mind reading.
Level 1: Detect (Animals, Common, Vague -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Short Range -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Animal Empathy (Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [8]
Level 2: Detect (Animals, Common, Vague -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Short Range -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Animal Empathy (Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Mind Reading (Universal +50%, Animals Only -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%; Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Short Range -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [26]
Level 3: Detect (Animals, Common, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Short Range -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Animal Empathy (Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Mind Reading (Universal +50%, Animals Only -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Short Range -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [36]
Level 4: Detect (Animals, Common, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Long Range +50%, Neuropathic -10%); Animal Empathy (Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Mind Reading (Universal +50%, Animals Only -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [51]
Level 5: Detect (Animals, Common, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Long Range +50%, Neuropathic -10%); Animal Empathy (Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Mind Reading (Universal +50%, Animals Only -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Speak With Animals (Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [69]
3.2. Clairaudience 20/30/40/50/60
Level 1: Clairsentience (Clairaudience -30%, Reduced Range (5 yards) -10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Psionic -10%) [20]
Level 2: Clairsentience (Clairaudience -30%, Increased Range (20 yards) +10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Psionic -10%) [30]
Level 3: Clairsentience (Clairaudience -30%, Increased Range (100 yards) +30%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Psionic -10%) [40]
Level 4: Clairsentience (Clairaudience -30%, Increased Range (400 yards) +50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Psionic -10%) [50]
Level 5: Clairsentience (Clairaudience -30%, Increased Range (2,000 yards) +70%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Psionic -10%) [60]
3.3. Clairvoyance 30/40/50/60/70
Level 1: Clairsentience (Clairvoyance -10%, Reduced Range (5 yards) -10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Psionic -10%) [30]
Level 2: Clairsentience (Clairvoyance -10%, Increased Range (20 yards) +10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Psionic -10%) [40]
Level 3: Clairsentience (Clairvoyance -10%, Increased Range (100 yards) +30%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Psionic -10%) [50]
Level 4: Clairsentience (Clairvoyance -10%, Increased Range (400 yards) +50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Psionic -10%) [60]
Level 5: Clairsentience (Clairvoyance -10%, Increased Range (2,000 yards) +70%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Psionic -10%) [70]
3.4. Clairvoyant Link 6/18
Mind Reading (Sensory Only -20%, Racial -20%, Telecommunication (Human Empathy) -10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Preparation Required (1 minute) -20% Mystical -10%) [6]
Mind Reading (Sensory Only -20%, Racial -20%, Telecommunication (Human Empathy) -10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Long Range +50%, Preparation Required (1 minute) -20% Mystical -10%) [18]
3.5. Computer Empathy 10/12/40/55
Level 1: Mind Reading (Cybernetic Only -50%, Sense-Based (Touch, Reversed) -20%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Mind Probe (Cybernetic Only -50%, Sense-Based (Touch, Reversed) -20%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [10]
Level 2: Mind Reading (Cybernetic Only -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Neuropathic -10%), Mind Probe (Cybernetic Only -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [12]
Level 3: Mind Reading (Cybernetic Only -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Long-Range (to connected machines) +50%, Neuropathic -10%); Mind Probe (Cybernetic Only -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Long-Range (to connected machines) +50%, Neuropathic -10%) [40]
Level 4: Mind Probe (Cybernetic Only -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Long-Range (to connected machines) +50%, Invasive +75%, Neuropathic -10%); Mind Reading (Cybernetic Only -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Long-Range (to connected machines) +50%; Neuropathic -10%) [55]
3.6. Cryokinesis 6/11/33/54/81
Level 1: Temperature Control 4 (Cold -50%; Costs Fatigue 2 -10%; Psionic -10%) [6]
Level 2: Temperature Control 6 (Cold -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Psionic -10%); Alternative Innate Attack 1 (Fatigue, Hazard (Freezing) +20%, No Signature +20%, Reduced Range (10 yards) -30%, Psionic -10%) [12]
Level 3: Temperature Control 8 (Cold -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Psionic -10%); Alternative Innate Attack 3 (Fatigue, Hazard (Freezing) +20%, No Signature +20%, Reduced Range (10 yards) -30%, Psionic -10%) [33]
Level 4: Temperature Control 12 (Cold -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Psionic -10%); Alternative Innate Attack 5 (Fatigue, Hazard (Freezing) +20%, No Signature +20%, Reduced Range (10 yards) -30%, Psionic -10%) [54]
Level 5: Temperature Control 18 (Cold -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Psionic -10%); Alternative Innate Attack 5 (Fatigue, Hazard (Freezing) +20%, No Signature +20%, Reduced Range (10 yards) -30%, Area Effect (4 yards) +50%, Psionic -10%) [81]
3.7. Darkling Empathy 19/39/56/79/94
As for Human Empathy below with appropriate changes.
3.8. Dimension Walk 20/30/50/70/220
Level 1: Jumper (Special Movement (walking) -10%, Costs Fatigue 10 -50%, Preparation Required (1 minute) -20%, Nuisance Effect (attracts darklings) -20%, Neuropathic -10%) [20]
Level 2: Jumper (Tunnel +40%, Special Movement (walking) -10%, Costs Fatigue 10 -50%, Preparation Required (1 minute) -20%, Nuisance Effect (attracts darklings) -20%, Neuropathic -10%) [30]
Level 3: Jumper (Tunnel +40%, Special Movement (walking) -10%, Costs Fatigue 6 -30%, Preparation Required (1 minute) -20%, Nuisance Effect (attracts darklings) -20%, Neuropathic -10%) [50]
Level 4: Jumper (Tunnel +40%, Special Movement (walking) -10%, Costs Fatigue 6 -30%, Nuisance Effect (attracts darklings) -20%, Neuropathic -10%) [70]
Level 5: Jumper (Tunnel +40%, Extended Duration (Permanent) +150%, Special Movement (walking) -10%, Costs Fatigue 6 -30%, Nuisance Effect (attracts darklings) -20%, Neuropathic -10%) [220]
3.9. Dissolution 25
Level 1: Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) (Infiltration +40%, Costs Fatigue 5 -25%, Preparation Required 1 minute -20%, Switchable +10%, Temporary Disadvantage (No Manipulators) -50%, Temporary Disadvantage (Basic Move -4) -20%, Neuropathic -10%) [25]
3.10. Empathic Healing 18/24
Level 1: Healing (Injuries Only -20%, Telecommunication (Human Empathy) -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [18]
Level 2: Healing (Telecommunication (Human Empathy) -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [24]
3.11. ESP 14/18/23
See Foreboding below, with a Psionic power modifier.
3.12. Foreboding 14/18/23
Level 1: Danger Sense (Neuropathic -10%) [14]
Level 2: Precognition (Passive Only -20%, Neuropathic -10%) [18]
Level 3: Precognition (Neuropathic -10%) [23]
3.13. Human Empathy 19/39/56/79/94
A "neuropathic human" is one with any neuropathic talent or power.
Level 1: Detect (Humans, Common, Vague -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Linked +10%, Short Range -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Detect (Neuropathic Humans, Rare, Vague -50%, Linked +10%, Short Range -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Empathy (Telecommunication (Detect) -10%; Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [19]
Level 2: Detect (Humans, Common, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Linked +10%, Short Range -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Detect (Neuropathic Humans, Rare, Linked +10%, Short Range -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Mind Reading (Racial -20%, Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Alternative Empathy (Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [39]
Level 3: Detect (Humans, Common, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Linked +10%, Neuropathic -10%); Detect (Neuropathic Humans, Rare, Linked +10%, Neuropathic -10%); Mind Reading (Multiple Contacts +50%, Racial -20%, Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Alternative Empathy (Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [56]
Level 4: Detect (Humans, Common, Long-Range +50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Linked +10%, Neuropathic -10%); Detect (Neuropathic Humans, Rare, Linked +10%, Long-Range +50%, Neuropathic -10%); Mind Reading (Multiple Contacts +50%, Racial -20%, Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Mind Probe (Racial -20%, Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Alternative Empathy (Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [79]
Level 5: Detect (Humans, Common, Long-Range +50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Linked +10%, Neuropathic -10%); Detect (Neuropathic Humans, Rare, Linked +10%, Long-Range +50%, Neuropathic -10%); Mind Reading (Multiple Contacts +50%, Racial -20%, Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Mind Probe (Invasive +75%, Racial -20%, Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Alternative Empathy (Telecommunication (Detect) -10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [94]
3.14. Plant Empathy 8/26/36/51/62
As for Animal Empathy above with appropriate changes, except that level 5 bestows Speak with Plants rather than Speak with Animals.
3.15. Project Emotion 10/45
Level 1: Mind Control (Emotion Control -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Telecommunication (Human Empathy) -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [10]
Level 2: Mind Control (Independent +70%, Emotion Control -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Telecommunication (Human Empathy) -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [45]
3.16. Project Thought 6/21/33/45/82
Level 1: Telecommunication (Telesend) (Vague -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Telecommunication (Human Empathy) -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [6]
Level 2: Telecommunication (Telesend) (Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Telecommunication (Human Empathy) -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [21]
Level 3: Telecommunication (Telesend) (Video +40%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Telecommunication (Human Empathy) -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [33]
Level 4: Telecommunication (Telesend) (Sensie +80%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Telecommunication (Human Empathy) -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [45]
Level 5: Mind Control (Conditioning +75%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Telecommunication (Human Empathy) -10%, Neuropathic -10%); Alternative Telecommunication (Telesend) (Sensie +80%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Telecommunication (Human Empathy) -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [82]
3.17. Pyrokinesis 6/10/18/37/51
Level 1: Temperature Control 4 (Heat -50%; Costs Fatigue 2 -10%; Psionic -10%) [6]
Level 2: Temperature Control 6 (Heat -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Psionic -10%); Alternative Innate Attack 1 (Burning, No Signature +20%, Reduced Range (10 yards) -30%, Psionic -10%) [10]
Level 3: Temperature Control 10 (Heat -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Psionic -10%); Alternative Innate Attack 3 (Burning, No Signature +20%, Reduced Range (10 yards) -30%, Psionic -10%) [18]
Level 4: Temperature Control 12 (Heat -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Psionic -10%); Alternative Innate Attack 5 (Burning, No Signature +20%, Reduced Range (10 yards) -30%, Area Effect (4 yards) +50%, Psionic -10%) [37]
Level 4: Temperature Control 18 (Heat -50%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Psionic -10%); Alternative Innate Attack 5 (Burning, No Signature +20%, Reduced Range (10 yards) -30%, Area Effect (8 yards) +100%, Psionic -10%) [51]
3.18. Willpower Drain 26/66/81
Level 1: Affliction 1 (Malediction (standard range) +150%, Based On (Willpower) +20%, Attribute Penalty (IQ-1) +10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [26]
Level 2: Affliction 1 (Malediction (standard range) +150%, Based On (Willpower) +20%, Cumulative +400%, Attribute Penalty (IQ-1) +10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [66]
Level 3: Affliction 1 (Malediction (standard range) +150%, Based On (Willpower) +20%, Cumulative +400%, Rapid Fire ROF 30 (+150%), Attribute Penalty (IQ-1) +10%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Neuropathic -10%) [81]