Madness Dossier: Characters
Characters start with 375 points; use one of the playtest templates,
but these can be generously modified. Many traits are inappropriate.
- Cultural Familiarity (Muslim)
- Language: Arabic
- Addiction
- Alcoholism
- Allies
- Amnesia
- Bad Back
- Bad Grip
- Berserk
- Blindness
- Cannot Learn
- Cannot Speak or Mute
- Chronic Depression
- Chronic Pain
- Claim to Hospitality
- Clerical Investment
- Colorblindness
- Confused
- Contacts or Contact Group
- Cowardice
- Deafness
- Debt
- Dependents
- Distinctive Features or Unnatural Features
- Duty
- Dwarfism or Gigantism
- Dyslexia
- Enemies
- Epilepsy
- Fanaticism
- Favor
- Flashbacks
- Greed
- Hemophilia
- Hunchback
- Indecisive
- Independent Income
- Innumerate
- Kleptomania
- Lame
- Legal Enforcement Powers
- Legal Immunity
- Lunacy
- Maintenance
- Manic-Depressive
- Megalomania
- Missing Digit
- Mistaken Identity
- Mundane Background
- Neurological Disorder
- Night Blindness
- No Depth Perception
- Non-Iconographic
- Numb
- One Arm
- One Eye
- One Hand
- Pacifism (Total)
- Paranoia
- Patrons
- Phantom Voices
- Quadriplegic
- Rank
- Reputation
- Restricted Diet
- Restricted Vision
- Sadism
- Secret or Secret Identity
- Security Clearance
- Sense of Duty
- Short Attention Span
- Slave Mentality
- Social Disease
- Social Regard
- Social Stigma (Criminal Record)
- Space Sickness
- Split Personality
- Status
- Susceptible
- Tenure
- Terminally Ill
- Timesickness
- Very Fat
- Very Unfit
- Wealth (high or low)
- Wounded
Compulsive Behavior, Delusions, Obsession, and Phobias are tolerated
if no worse than -5 points.
Bad Sight and Hard of Hearing are tolerated, as long as they're
Any Cinematic, Exotic or Supernatural traits are forbidden unless
provided by templates.
Anything from HIGH-TECH is fair game.
British characters have cover identities in something approximating
civilian life. Sometimes it's a pretty obscure corner of civilian
life. Think of something where your Project skills are potentially useful...
Roger Burton West