11 Planets (size proportional to Sqrt(Radius))
Sun Rock Terrestrial Water Ice Jovian Sub-Jovian GasDwarf Jovian Rock Rock Rock See
Stellar charactersistics
Stellar mass 0.84 solar masses
Stellar luminosity 0.44
Age 3.025 billion years
(15.914 billion left on main sequence)
Habitable ecosphere radius 0.665 AU

Planetary Overview
1 Rock Rock 0.365 AU 0.117 EM 0.496 ER
2 Terrestrial Terrestrial 0.644 AU 0.497 EM 0.799 ER
3 Water Water 1.137 AU 2.329 EM 1.319 ER
4 Ice Ice 2.290 AU 0.812 EM 0.938 ER
5 Jovian Jovian 3.018 AU 66.363 EM 6.405 ER
6 Sub-Jovian Sub-Jovian 4.730 AU 7.308 EM 3.494 ER
7 GasDwarf GasDwarf 8.028 AU 1.705 EM 2.388 ER
8 Jovian Jovian 12.347 AU 365.579 EM 11.848 ER
9 Rock Rock 20.700 AU 0.361 EM 0.960 ER
10 Rock Rock 29.091 AU 0.309 EM 0.912 ER
11 Rock Rock 44.253 AU 0.328 EM 0.930 ER

Planet #1 Statistics
Planet typeRockRock
Tidally Locked 1 Face
Low-G, Hot, Airless, 1-Face
Distance from primary star5.5E+07 KM0.365 AU
Mass7E+23Kg0.117 Earth masses
Surface gravity467.8 cm/sec20.48 Earth gees
Surface pressure 0 millibars0.000 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature 96.6° Celsius
205.9° Fahrenheit
+82.6° C Earth temperature
+148.7° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-218.3° C
-360.9° F
- 280.7° C
537.2° F
Equatorial radius3163.8 Km0.5 Earth radii
Density5.29 grams/cc0.96 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.000
Escape Velocity 5.4 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained80.3 and aboveKr, Xe
Axial tilt26°
Planetary albedo 0.07
Exospheric Temperature4235.49K+2962.49° C Earth temperature
Length of year87.87 Earth days1.00 Local days
Length of day2108.93 hours
Boiling point of water-273.1° Celsius
-459.7° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage 0.0

Planet #2 Statistics
Planet typeTerrestrialTerrestrial
Low-G, Thin atmosphere (O2, N2 - breathable)
Distance from primary star9.6E+07 KM0.644 AU
Mass3E+24Kg0.497 Earth masses
Surface gravity763.4 cm/sec20.78 Earth gees
Surface pressure 294 millibars0.290 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature 12.6° Celsius
54.6° Fahrenheit
-1.4° C Earth temperature
-2.6° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-8.1° C
17.4° F
- 31.0° C
87.8° F
-36.3° C
-33.4° F
- 58.2° C
136.8° F
Equatorial radius5093.5 Km0.8 Earth radii
Density5.36 grams/cc0.97 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.114
Escape Velocity 8.8 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 9.8 and aboveN, O, CH4, NH3, H2O, Ne, N2, CO...
Oxygen 50.8%  149 mb (ipp: 118) 
Nitrogen 49.2%  145 mb (ipp: 114) 
Axial tilt25°
Planetary albedo 0.27
Exospheric Temperature1358.93K+85.93° C Earth temperature
Length of year206.12 Earth days113.49 Local days
Length of day43.59 hours
Boiling point of water68.9° Celsius
156.1° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage66.0
Cloud cover percentage42.1
Ice cover percentage 2.6

Planet #3 Statistics
Planet typeWaterWater
High-G, Cold, Few clouds, Thick atmosphere (He - unbreathable)
Distance from primary star1.7E+08 KM1.137 AU
Mass1.4E+25Kg2.329 Earth masses
Surface gravity1311.6 cm/sec21.34 Earth gees
Surface pressure 6467 millibars6.383 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature 6.0° Celsius
42.8° Fahrenheit
-8.0° C Earth temperature
-14.4° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
4.4° C
39.9° F
- 7.5° C
45.4° F
-7.0° C
19.4° F
- 18.3° C
65.0° F
Equatorial radius8414.2 Km1.3 Earth radii
Density5.58 grams/cc1 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.104
Escape Velocity14.9 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 1.1 and aboveH2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O, Ne...
Helium 99.9%  6458 mb (ipp: 6395) 
Nitrogen  0.1%  10 mb (ipp: 9) 
Axial tilt17°
Planetary albedo 0.24
Exospheric Temperature435.97K-837.03° C Earth temperature
Length of year483.54 Earth days872.09 Local days
1.32 Earth years
Length of day13.31 hours
Boiling point of water159.5° Celsius
319.1° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage100.0
Cloud cover percentage40.0
Ice cover percentage 5.5

Planet #4 Statistics
Planet typeIceIce
Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudless, Normal atmosphere
Distance from primary star3.4E+08 KM2.290 AU
Mass4.9E+24Kg0.812 Earth masses
Surface gravity904.6 cm/sec20.92 Earth gees
Surface pressure 787 millibars0.777 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-147.1° Celsius
-232.8° Fahrenheit
-161.1° C Earth temperature
-290.0° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-149.5° C
-237.0° F
- -144.9° C
-228.8° F
-167.3° C
-269.2° F
- -128.7° C
-199.6° F
Equatorial radius5984.6 Km0.94 Earth radii
Density5.41 grams/cc0.98 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.063
Escape Velocity10.4 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.6 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt32°
Planetary albedo 0.70
Exospheric Temperature107.45K-1165.55° C Earth temperature
Length of year1382.41 Earth days2081.74 Local days
3.78 Earth years
Length of day15.94 hours
Boiling point of water93.4° Celsius
200.1° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage100.0

Planet #5 Statistics
Planet typeJovianJovian
Distance from primary star4.5E+08 KM3.018 AU
Mass4E+26Kg66.363 Earth masses
14.934 Earth masses dust
51.429 Earth masses gas
Equatorial radius40850.8 Km6.4 Earth radii
Density1.39 grams/cc0.25 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.041
Escape Velocity36.0 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt36°
Planetary albedo 0.53
Exospheric Temperature 61.83K-1211.17° C Earth temperature
Length of year2092.04 Earth days4892.08 Local days
5.73 Earth years
Length of day10.26 hours

Planet #6 Statistics
Planet typeSub-JovianSub-Jovian
Distance from primary star7.1E+08 KM4.730 AU
Mass4.4E+25Kg7.308 Earth masses
3.634 Earth masses dust
3.674 Earth masses gas
Equatorial radius22284.4 Km3.5 Earth radii
Density0.94 grams/cc0.17 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.033
Escape Velocity16.2 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.1 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt33°
Planetary albedo 0.46
Exospheric Temperature 25.18K-1247.82° C Earth temperature
Length of year4103.85 Earth days5837.83 Local days
11.24 Earth years
Length of day16.87 hours

Planet #7 Statistics
Planet typeGasDwarfGasDwarf
Distance from primary star1.2E+09 KM8.028 AU
1.705 Earth masses
1.404 Earth masses dust
0.301 Earth masses gas
Equatorial radius15232.8 Km2.4 Earth radii
Density0.69 grams/cc0.12 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.010
Escape Velocity 9.4 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.1 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt25°
Planetary albedo 0.46
Exospheric Temperature 8.74K-1264.26° C Earth temperature
Length of year9074.49 Earth days9121.06 Local days
24.84 Earth years
Length of day23.88 hours

Planet #8 Statistics
Planet typeJovianJovian
Distance from primary star1.8E+09 KM12.347 AU
Mass2.2E+27Kg365.579 Earth masses
24.932 Earth masses dust
340.647 Earth masses gas
Equatorial radius75565.4 Km12 Earth radii
Density1.21 grams/cc0.22 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.091
Escape Velocity62.1 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt46°
Planetary albedo 0.51
Exospheric Temperature 3.70K-1269.30° C Earth temperature
Length of year17298.16 Earth days51325.03 Local days
47.36 Earth years
Length of day8.09 hours

Planet #9 Statistics
Planet typeRockRock
Low-G, Cold, Airless
Distance from primary star3.1E+09 KM20.700 AU
Mass2.2E+24Kg0.361 Earth masses
Surface gravity384.0 cm/sec20.39 Earth gees
Surface pressure 0 millibars0.000 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-224.9° Celsius
-372.8° Fahrenheit
-238.9° C Earth temperature
-430.0° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-230.1° C
-382.1° F
- -219.7° C
-363.4° F
-245.0° C
-408.9° F
- -205.4° C
-337.8° F
Equatorial radius6121.6 Km0.96 Earth radii
Density2.24 grams/cc0.41 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.000
Escape Velocity 6.9 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt43°
Planetary albedo 0.15
Exospheric Temperature 1.31K-1271.69° C Earth temperature
Length of year37576.05 Earth days36874.31 Local days
102.88 Earth years
Length of day24.46 hours
Boiling point of water-40.7° Celsius
-41.3° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage 0.1

Planet #10 Statistics
Planet typeRockRock
Low-G, Cold, Airless
Distance from primary star4.4E+09 KM29.091 AU
Mass1.8E+24Kg0.309 Earth masses
Surface gravity364.1 cm/sec20.37 Earth gees
Surface pressure 0 millibars0.000 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-232.5° Celsius
-386.5° Fahrenheit
-246.5° C Earth temperature
-443.7° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-236.9° C
-394.4° F
- -227.9° C
-378.3° F
-251.7° C
-421.0° F
- -213.3° C
-352.0° F
Equatorial radius5819.3 Km0.91 Earth radii
Density2.24 grams/cc0.41 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.053
Escape Velocity 6.5 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt43°
Planetary albedo 0.15
Exospheric Temperature 0.67K-1272.33° C Earth temperature
Length of year62599.63 Earth days59817.12 Local days
171.39 Earth years
Length of day25.12 hours
Boiling point of water-44.0° Celsius
-47.2° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage 0.1

Planet #11 Statistics
Planet typeRockRock
Low-G, Cold, Airless
Distance from primary star6.6E+09 KM44.253 AU
Mass2E+24Kg0.328 Earth masses
Surface gravity371.4 cm/sec20.38 Earth gees
Surface pressure 0 millibars0.000 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-240.2° Celsius
-400.3° Fahrenheit
-254.2° C Earth temperature
-457.5° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-243.7° C
-406.6° F
- -236.5° C
-393.7° F
-256.0° C
-428.8° F
- -224.1° C
-371.4° F
Equatorial radius5931.1 Km0.93 Earth radii
Density2.24 grams/cc0.41 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.074
Escape Velocity 6.6 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt56°
Planetary albedo 0.15
Exospheric Temperature 0.29K-1272.71° C Earth temperature
Length of year117451.35 Earth days113356.60 Local days
321.56 Earth years
Length of day24.87 hours
Boiling point of water-42.8° Celsius
-45.0° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage 0.1

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