1. General
Characters will start the campaign with 150 points. While Action is not in use, its templates may prove informative.
Cinematic combat rules will not be in effect. Bring a medic.
2. Roles
The majority of the PCs will probably be grunts. (No offence.) (None taken.) Grunt specialisations beyond "rifleman" include medic, heavy weapons, tech, sniper... see below.
If you aren't a grunt you might be an officer; or you could be a Company Man or an AP.
Note that these lists are not intended to be exhaustive or exclusive.
2.1. Grunt
Basic Training will give you at least one point in each of Soldier, Guns (Rifle), Computer Operation, Savoir-Faire (Military), Vacc Suit and First Aid. You may also pick up any of Guns (Pistol), Guns (Grenade Launcher), Tactics, Leadership, Gesture, Driving (Heavy Wheeled or Legged), Navigation (Land), Knife, Brawling, Forward Observer...
Your primary weapon will be a 10mm Storm Carbine, accessorised with any of a variety of underbarrel mounts: 25mm or 40mm grenade launcher, shotgun, vortex ring projector, gyroc launcher.
For armour, you would expect to wear a reflex tacsuit (low-threat) or a combat hardsuit (high-threat), in either case with a combat infantry helmet. This combination can be sealed, if you add an air tank.
2.1.1. Medic
Replace First Aid with Physician and Diagnosis. You are likely also to learn Surgery, Pharmacology (Synthetic), Psychology. Consider the Healer talent.
You may well lose the Storm Carbine in favour of something lighter, such as a UAW.
2.1.2. Heavy Weapons
Add Gunner (Machine Gun), Guns (LAW). Consider Lifting ST and Fit or Very Fit. You may want to consider Gun Perks.
You're likely to end up carrying an Assault Cannon or Heavy Chaingun on a gyrostabilised weapon harness. Underbarrel mounts are still available.
2.1.3. Tech
Add some of Electrician, Electronics Operation (Communications, Media, Security, Sensors and Surveillance), Electronics Repair (same specialisations). Computer Programming and Electronics Repair (Computers) are probably also a good idea. You might get into Machinist and Mechanic skills too. Armoury is good too. Yes, you're going to have to specialise a bit.
You may well lose the Storm Carbine in favour of something lighter, such as a UAW.
You might have a neural interface implant - 9 points for a cable jack, 17 for wireless (up to a mile in normal conditions).
2.1.4. Sniper
Add Camouflage, Stealth, and lots more Guns (Rifle). You may want to consider Gun Perks too. Extended Aiming will be your friend.
Your primary weapon is likely to be an anti-materiel rifle or payload rifle. Reach out and touch someone seven miles away. (Note that this range is -23 to hit. You'll need to be quite good.)
2.1.5. Sapper
Add all sorts of Explosives (probably best to specialise in one and default the others from it). Also consider Engineer (Combat, Civil, and/or Mining) and Architecture.
You may well lose the Storm Carbine in favour of something lighter, such as a UAW.
2.1.6. Pilot
Add Navigation (Aerial), Piloting (Aerospace and Vertol); also Gunner (Beams, Cannon and/or Machine Gun) and Artillery (Guided Missile). You don't want to rely on a big bulky weapon that won't stay with you if you have to punch out; look at pistols, maybe a machine pistol, at least as a backup.
You are very likely to have a neural interface implant - 9 points for a cable jack, 17 for wireless (up to a mile in normal conditions).
2.1.7. Officer
Add Leadership, Guns (Pistol), and of course Military Rank.
2.2. Company Man
Administration! And interpersonal skills. Consider the Smooth Operator talent.
3. Templates
The usual AP template consists of AI [32], Complexity-Limited IQ [0], Machine [25], Social Stigma (Valuable Property) [-10] and Realistic Flesh [-1].
4. Advantages
4.1. Military Rank
- 0 for a Private/PFC
- 1 for a Corporal or Sergeant
- 2 for a Staff Sergeant or SFC
- 3 for a Master Sergeant, Sergeant Major or Lieutenant
- 4 for a Captain or Major
4.2. Psi Powers
See GURPS Psionic Powers or talk to the GM. Generally those with psi abilities will have a -10 point Social Stigma (Psi) and an array of physical and mental disadvantages (particularly Epilepsy, Absent-Mindedness, Low Empathy, Neurological Disorder, Nightmares...)
5. Disadvantages
Human characters should normally take Hypersickness [-10] (a variant of Timesickness); APs may not.
Grunts should take Duty (UNECRO), almost always, extremely hazardous, for [-20].