by Lorc under CC BY 3.0
A brave world, Sir, full of religion, knavery, and change: we shall shortly see better days.
Aphra Behn, The Roundheads, Act I Scene 1
nWOD character generation (docx) (pdf)Dr Bob
Gift tables for nWOD (docx) (pdf)Dr Bob
Character sheet (pdf)Dr Bob
Rules summary (pdf)Dr Bob
Rites (pdf)Dr Bob
Litany and Creeds (pdf)Dr Bob
XP and renown chart (pdf)Dr Bob
NPC list (pdf)Dr Bob
Weird inscriptions on stone (pdf)Dr Bob
Tribal map (png) (pdf)Dr Bob
Oldcastle within Tayside (SVG) (PNG)Dr Bob
Possible totems (pdf)Dr Bob
Spirits & talens & fetishes (pdf)Dr Bob
Locations (list)RogerBW
Locations (Leaflet map)RogerBW
Locations (Viking file)RogerBW
"Traveller Child"
Headline: Traveller Child (pdf)Dr Bob
Anne Prentiss' timeline (pdf)Dr Bob
Vampire aftermath (pdf)Dr Bob
"Sheep Killer"
sheep killer dates (pdf)Dr Bob
sheep killer Feb (pdf)Dr Bob
sheep killer Sept (pdf)Dr Bob
"Bovine TB"
Bovine TB Feb (pdf)Dr Bob
Mystery Illness March (pdf)Dr Bob
Boy Bitten March (pdf)Dr Bob
Tayside Emergency March (pdf)Dr Bob
Malcolm map (jpg)Dr Bob
Rùm Storm
Storm aftermath April (pdf)Dr Bob
Zoo Baby
Session 16 images Dr Bob