County class cruiser (RN)


The County class is the backbone of the modern RN, or will be when enough of them are built.
In class/planned: Kent, Victoria, York, Cumberland, Devonshire, Surrey, Cornwall, …
TL Spacecraft dST/HP Hnd/SR HT Move LWt. Load SM Occ dDR
11^ County-class 150 -2/5 13 1G/360mps 10,000 213.5 +10 135ASV 210/140/140


1 Hardened Diamondoid Armour dDR70
2 Hardened Diamondoid Armour dDR70
3 Hardened Diamondoid Armour dDR70
4 Medium Battery (“B mount”, 3× fixed 40cm improved missile launcher + 3×30 rounds) sA4 rX 6d×10 SM+1
(X-ray laser, 10d(5) burn rad sur, RoF 20)
(10MT AM, 8d×10,000 burn ex rad sur linked 6d×20,000 cr ex)
5!!! Spinal weapon (“A mount”, antiparticle beam, 10GJ) sA-3 rS/L 8d×10
6 Defensive ECM PD2
Core Control room Lv10


1 Hardened Diamondoid Armour dDR70
2 Hardened Diamondoid Armour dDR70
3! Major Battery (“C turret”, X-Ray laser turret, 3GJ) sA0 rL 4d×5 burn* sur (5)
4 Tactical Array Lv12
5 Smaller Systems:
5.1! Tertiary Battery (30× VRF Improved UV laser turret, 300kJ) sA0 rC/S 1d-2
5.2 Hangar Bay 100t
5.3 Cargo Hold 100t
6 Habitat: Cabin (1), Double Cabins (19), Bunkrooms (24), 6 Sickbay.
Core (spinal weapon)


1 Hardened Diamondoid Armour dDR70
2 Hardened Diamondoid Armour dDR70
3 Fuel Tank (hydrogen, 360mps)
4 (spinal weapon)
5 Antimatter plasma torch (1G)
6 Super fusion power plant (4 pp, 400 years)