Glushko system (HIP:54692)


1 Interstellar navigation

Destination θ ϕ ρ K
HIP:53688 (Lyulka) G5 (Novaya Europa) 343 -9 2.2 239
HIP:54681 (Lozino-Lozinskiy) G5 (Novaya Europa) 171 63 2.2 239
HIP:55761 (Utkin) F8 (Novaya Europa) 3 -35 2.3 232
HR 4285 (Fletcher) F9V (United Kingdom) 346 -74 3.5 189
To → HIP:53688 (Lyulka) HIP:54681 (Lozino-Lozinskiy) HIP:55761 (Utkin) HR 4285 (Fletcher)
From ↓ θ ϕ ρ θ ϕ ρ θ ϕ ρ θ ϕ ρ
HIP:53688 (Lyulka) 84 49 3.1 32 -15 3.8 54 -67 3.3
HIP:54681 (Lozino-Lozinskiy) 10 -49 3.1 106 -49 4.4 44 -78 5.5
HIP:55761 (Utkin) 318 15 3.8 179 49 4.4 308 -38 3.3
HR 4285 (Fletcher) 340 67 3.3 118 78 5.5 21 38 3.3

2 System map

ID # orbit world type size/e mass/e g/e atmosphere hydrographics temp climate day HI RVM Affinity
(a.u.) (10 Mm) (C) (hours)
I 0.24 standard chthonian planet 1.1 1.3 1.0 none 424 infernal 0 1 1
0.41 asteroid belt 261 infernal 0 1 1
II 0.71 tiny rock planet 0.51 0.10 0.40 none 137 infernal 9509 0 -1 -1
III 1.1 standard greenhouse planet 1.00 0.90 0.90 superdense corrosive 630 infernal 709 -2 0 -2
IIIa 37 tiny rock moon 0.37 0.04 0.30 none 62 very hot 709 0 0 0
IV 1.7 standard garden planet 0.77 0.40 0.69 standard marginal 80% water 17 normal 16.8 7 -2 5
1 moonlet -8 cold 0 0 0
2.2 jump point Lyulka
2.2 jump point Lozino-Lozinskiy
2.3 jump point Utkin
V 2.9 small rock planet 0.49 0.08 0.34 none -72 frozen 16.7 0 1 1
3.5 jump point Fletcher
VI 5.8 small rock planet 0.38 0.04 0.27 none -131 frozen 20.0 0 0 0
VII 10 small ice planet 0.46 0.04 0.18 dense mildly toxic 40% hydrocarbons -162 frozen 16.7 -1 -1 -2
VIII 18 standard ice planet 0.50 0.13 0.50 very thin suffocating -189 frozen 22.2 0 0 0
1 moonlet -191 frozen 0 0 0
IX 28 standard hadean planet 0.51 0.07 0.25 none -228 frozen 25.0 0 0 0

3 Habitation

Novaya Europan colony founded 2344. Human habitation is mostly on planet IV.

3.1 Planetology

class of star F8 V
mean distance 1.7 a.u.
perihelion 1.5 a.u.
aphelion 1.9 a.u.
axial tilt 32°
annual period 2.02 years
1052.1 local days
local day 16.8 hours
standard garden planet
diameter 0.77 x Earth’s
9772 km
density 0.90 x Earth’s
5.0 g/cm^3
surface gravity 0.69 g.
6.8 m/s^2
escape velocity 8.1 km/s
vulcanism moderate
tectonics moderate
climate normal
average 17 C
perihelion 32 C
aphelion 4 C
illumination 97 % Earth’s
oceans 80%
composition water
tidal range 0.1 m
main gases N2, O2
traces &c. pollutants
class marginal
pressure 0.90 bar
Population & economy
Habitability 7
Resources very poor RVM -2
Affinity 5
settlement type
carrying capacity 3.5 E+8
Sky Objects
object apparent: size period tides
class (degrees) (hours) (m)
sun: F8 V 0.43 16.8 0.10

4 Economy

Mostly food production on planet IV. Some mining in the asteroid belt and on planets I and V.