Kate Monk's Onomastikon

(Dictionary of Names)

Nez Perce

Aihits palojami fair land Alahmoot elm branch Alikkees short hair Allahkoliken stag antlers Apash wyakaikt flint necklace Chapowits many coyotes
Chuslum bull Chuslum Moxmox yellow bull Ealahweemah about sleep Ealaot Wadass common earth Eapalekthiloom cloud piler Elaskolatat animal going into hole
Espowyes light in the mountain Gosawyiennight bull bait Hahtalekin red echo Hallalhotsoot talker Halluteen fat stomach Heinmot Ilppilp red thunder
Heinmot thunder Heinmot Tooyalakekt thunder going to higher mountains Heinmot Tosinlikt bunched lightning Hematute Hikaith thunder eyes Hemem Ippilp red wolf Hemene Istooptoopnin shorn wolf
Hemene Moxmox yellow wolf Hemene wolf Himslekhin raw Hinmaton Yalatkit thunder rolling in the hills Hiyatommon shouter Hohots bear
Hohots Ilppilp red bear Hoyouwerlikt good necklace Hphots Tamalweyat bear ruler Husis Moxmox yellow head Husishusis Kute bald head Inen Toxxouke echo
Ippakness Wayhayken mirror around neck Kitstsui Shamkin metal shirt Kiyiyah howling wolf Konish Autassin wounded buzzard Koolkool Snehee red owl Koopnee broken
Lahpatupt bone broken twice Lahpeealakt geese landing three times in water Lakochets Kunnin rattle blanket Lepeet Hessemooks two moons Motsqueh chipmunk Nennen Chekoostin black raven
Netotwepus three feathers Otskai going out Otstotpoo fire body Pahkatos five wounds Pahkatos Qohqooh five ravens Pahkowyaalkelaked turning five times
Peopeo bird Peopeo Hihhih white bird Peopeo Ipsewahk lone bird Peopeo Kiskiok Hihih white goose Peopeo Moxmox yellow bird Peopeo Tholekt landing bird
Qohqoh Ilppilp red raven Sahkonteic white eagle Sarpsis Ilppilp red moccasin tops Seeyakoon Ilppilp red spy Toohulhulsote sound Wahchumyus rainbow
Zya Timenna heartless          

This collection of names was compiled by Kate Monk and is ©1997, Kate Monk.

Copies may be made for personal use only.

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