The Ottawa, Chippewa and Potawatomi are all variants of the Ojibwa/Ojibway language.
Bemidji river crossing lake | Kahgegwagebow stands forever | Okemos little chief |
Mitena born at new moon | Neche friend | Onaiwah pigeon/dove |
Wabaunsee/Wah-bon-seh dawn | Wabonishi lives through winter |
Kewanee/Kewaunee prairie hen | Moweaqua wolf woman | Wapin dawn | Watseka pretty woman |
Akaitcho | Bugonegijig/Bagwunagijik opening in the sky | Namid star dancer | Wabanaquot white cloud | Wasonaunqua yellow hair |
Abedabun dawn | Abequa/Abeque stays at home | Ayashe little one | Keezheekoni fire burning briskly | Kiwidinok woman of the wind | Meoquanee dressed in red |
Migisi eagle | Namida star dancer | Nekoma grandmother |
This collection of names was compiled by Kate Monk and is ©1997, Kate Monk.
Copies may be made for personal use only.