Kate Monk's Onomastikon

(Dictionary of Names)

Hatti (Hittites)

The original Hittites were an Armenian/Anatolian people who founded several city-states in eastern Anatolia, of which one, Hatti, gained supremacy. In around 2000 BC, an Indo-European people invaded, made themselves the ruling class and intermarried with the natives. The Hittites developed advanced political, military and legal systems. The country occupied land North of the Tigris and Euphrates and on the Northern shores of the Mediterranean. The city of Hattusas (now Bogazkoy in central Turkey) became the capital of a strong kingdom which overthrew the Babylonian empire. There was a period of eclipse but the Hittite New Empire became a great power c 1400-1200 BC and fought a succesful war with Egypt. A peace treaty was concluded in 1269 BC but was eventually overthrown by the Sea Peoples, unidentified sea-faring warriors who may have been Achaean, Etruscan or Philistine. Small Hittite states arose in northern Syria, of which the most important was Charchemish (Karkamis in Turkey) which was conquered by Sargon II of Assyria in 717 BC.

Hittite Names


Esarhaddon Hattusilis Hishimisharruma
Muwatalis Nabushezibanni Shalmaneser
Suppiliamus Suppiliumash Tarkondemos
Tudhaliyas Tudkhalias Urhiteshub
Zananzash Zannanza  




Name Reign Lineage
Labarnas c 1680 BC  
Hattusilis I c 1650-20 Son of Labarnas
Mursilis -1590  
Telepinus c 1525-1500  
Tudhaliyas II 1460-40  
Hattusilis II    
Tudhaliyas III 1400-  
Suppiluliumas I 1380-39  
Mursilis II 1339-06 Son of Suppiluliumas I
Muwattalis 1306-1282  
Hattusilis III 1275-50  
Tudhaliyas IV 1250-20  
Suppiluliamus II 1190-  
Subjected to Assyria 709  


Tarkhuns storm


(Naharin / Hanigalbat)

The Kings of the Mitanni acknowledged the Pharaoh as their overlord during much of the Egyptian Dynastic period. Their kingdom occupied most of the land between the Tigris and Euphrates until the defeat by the Hittites in the C14th BC destroyed it altogether.


Artatama Pirizzi Pupri
Shuttarna Tushratta  


Gilukhepa Kiya Tadukhepa


Tushratta C 1350  

This collection of names was compiled by Kate Monk and is ©1997, Kate Monk.

Copies may be made for personal use only.

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