Kate Monk's Onomastikon

(Dictionary of Names)

Scottish Names

Celtic names and language are at their strongest in the highlands and islands where outside influence was weakest. Some Norse borrowings occurred and forms of Christian names and anglicisations are included.

The letter 'z' is usually pronounced like 'y' in 'yes' (Dalziel - Dee-ell). As in England, 'u' and 'v' were virtually interchangeable until the C14th and the letter 'j' rarely occurred, with 'i' being used instead.

Naming Patterns

Until as recently as the C19th, it was common for Scots to follow a conventional pattern of naming a child after various relatives. When a child died in infancy, the name was often re-used for the next baby. A surviving child could have the same name as a half-brother or sister if one parent had re-married.

Child Relative
Eldest son Paternal grandfather
Second son Maternal grandfather
Third son Father
Eldest daughter Maternal grandmother
Second daughter Paternal grandmother
Third daughter Mother
Others Aunts and Uncles

This collection of names was compiled by Kate Monk and is ©1997, Kate Monk.

Copies may be made for personal use only.

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