Kate Monk's Onomastikon

(Dictionary of Names)

Puritan Names

Although many C16th and C17th Protestants were content with Bible-sanctioned names, the more extreme Puritans did not consider even these pure enough. They invented their own abstract 'virtue' or 'slogan' names, some of which entered the common stock. Most of these could be used for either sex but the few modern survivals (Charity, Joy, Mercy etc.) are usually feminine.


Abstinence Accepted Amity
Arise Ashes Assurance
Belief Charity Clemency
Comfort Confidence Constancy
Constant Continent Delivery
Desire Diffidence Diligence
Discipline Discretion Donation
Dust Eart Earth
Elected Experience Faith
Faithful Fear Felicity
Forsaken Fortune Given
Godly Grace Gracious
Handmaid Helpless Honesty
Honour Hope Hopeful
Humble Humiliation Humility
Increased Joy Just
Justice Lament Lamentation
Love Meek Mercy
Obedience Patience Peaceable
Perseverance Piety Providence
Prudence Purify Redeemed
Reformation Rejoice Remember
Renewed Repentance Resolved
Return Salvation Steadfast
Temperance Thankful Tribulation
Troth Truth Verity
Virtue Wrestling  


Be-courteous Be-faithful Be-thankful
Faint-not Faith-my-joy Fear-not
Fear-the-Lord Fight-the-good-fight-of-faith Fly-debate
Fly-fornication Freegift From-above
God-reward Hate-evil Help-on-High
Hope-for Hope-still If-Christ-had- not-died-for- thee-thou-hadst- been-damned*
Jesus-Christ-came- into-the-world- to-save Job-raked-out-of-the-ashes Joy-again
Kill-sin Learn-wisdom Love-well
Make-peace More-fruit More-trial
Much-mercy No-merit Praise-God
Safe-deliverance Safe-on-high Search-the-scriptures
Seek-wisdom Sin-deny Small-hope
Sorry-for-sin Stand-fast-on-high The-Lord-is-near
The-peace-of-God Weep-not What-God-will
Zeal-for-the-Lord Zeal-of-the-land

* Known as 'Damned' Barebone!

This collection of names was compiled by Kate Monk and is ©1997, Kate Monk.

Copies may be made for personal use only.

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