One of the main groups of English surnames is that which includes nicknames given to describe appearance, tastes, clothes, temper, morals etc. A lot of these have obvious meanings but those whose origins lie in Old or Middle English are more obscure.
Agnew | Ankers | Argent |
Arlott | Arlotte | Armstrong |
Ault | Averill | Ayer |
Bagg | Bagge | Bairnsfather |
Ball | Ballard | Barne |
Barrat | Barratt | Barrett |
Bastard | Baud | Beard |
Beauclerk | Becket | Beckett |
Belch | Belcher | Belgian |
Belham | Bellamy | Bellmaine |
Belt | Bevin | Bew |
Bezzant | Bigg | Biggs |
Bighead | Bird | Bisgood |
Bismire | Biss | Bisset |
Black | Blacklock | Blake |
Blanchard | Blanchflower | Blandamore |
Blank | Bleakman | Blessed |
Blewett | Bligh | Blight |
Blinman | Bliss | Blondell |
Blood | Blundell | Blunden |
Blunt | Blythe | Boar |
Body | Bold | Bonamy |
Bone | Bonger | Bonner |
Bonser | Boon | Boss |
Bossey | Boutflour | Bowie |
Bowser | Bracegirdle | Bradfer |
Bragg | Bragge | Breakspear |
Bream | Breese | Brend |
Bright | Brisbane | Broad |
Broadfoot | Broadribb | Brock |
Brockless | Brown | Browne |
Browning | Brownjohn | Buck |
Buffard | Bugg | Bull |
Bullied | Bullock | Bunclarke |
Bunyan | Burd | Burnet |
Burrell | Buss | Butlin |
Buzzard | Caddow | Callow |
Cam | Cammamile | Cannard |
Carless | Carman | Casbolt |
Catt | Cave | Chaff |
Chaffe | Chant | Charity |
Cheek | Cheever | Cherry |
Chick | Chicken | Chin |
Chinn | Clapp | Cockbaine |
Cockbill | Coe | Collop |
Comfort | Comley | Conning |
Coot | Coote | Cope |
Copner | Coppard | Corp |
Corpe | Corrick | Courage |
Courtauld | Courtenay | Coy |
Crane | Crass | Crawcour |
Craze | Crisp | Crispe |
Cruickshank | Crump | Cruse |
Cuckow | Cuff | Curling |
Curthose | Curtin | Cypher |
Dagg | Damson | Dark |
Darke | Darling | Dear |
Deare | Dearman | Debney |
Dent | Dixey | Dobell |
Dodd | Doe | Dolittle |
Dormer | Douce | Doughty |
Dove | Dowsett | Drake |
Drane | Drinkall | Drinkwater |
Drury | Duncalf | Dunn |
Dunne | Dwelley | Eld |
Elder | Evershed | Fage |
Fair | Fairbrass | Fairbrother |
Fairchild | Fairfax | Fairfoot |
Fairhead | Fairman | Fairweather |
Falcon | Fane | Fant |
Farr | Farthing | Fatt |
Fauchon | Fawn | Fear |
Fellowes | Fellows | Feverel |
Fickle | Fidge | Fido |
Fidoe | Finch | Fine |
Firebrace | Fish | Fitch |
Fitchett | Flowerdew | Flunder |
Foljambe | Follenfant | Follett |
Foot | Fortman | Fortnam |
Fouweather | Fowle | Free |
Freeborn | Friend | Frost |
Froud | Froude | Fry |
Frye | Fuggle | Fullalove |
Gabb | Gadd | Gain |
Gaine | Gambrill | Gamlin |
Gape | Garnon | Garnons |
Gawkrodger | Gay | Gaylord |
Gear | Gearing | Gelding |
Gent | Gentle | Gentleman |
Gerrish | Giddy | Gigg |
Gildersleeve | Girle | Gleave |
Gleed | Glew | Goacher |
Godsmark | Gold | Golden |
Golightly | Good | Goodale |
Goodbairn | Goodbody | Goodday |
Goode | Goodenough | Goodfellow |
Goodheart | Goodlad | Goodspeed |
Goodyear | Gook | Gosling |
Gotobed | Gough | Grand |
Grealey | Greathead | Grice |
Grill | Groocock | Gross |
Grout | Grubb | Guest |
Gully | Gurden | Hallmark |
Hand | Hardy | Haresign |
Harfoot | Harlock | Hart |
Hawk | Hawke | Hendy |
Hext | Hoar | Hoare |
Hogg | Holyman | Idle |
Jay | Jaye | Jucker |
Keat | Keate | Keen |
Keene | Kippen | Kipps |
Langbain | Lappin | Lapping |
Large | Lark | Larter |
Laventure | Lawless | Lazar |
Leaf | Leafe | Leal |
Lean | Leane | Lebeau |
Leleu | Leng | Leopard |
Lepper | Letcher | Leuty |
Leveson | Light | Lightbody |
Lightfoot | Lillicrop | Lillywhite |
Lipp | Lithman | Little |
Littleboy | Littlechild | Littlejohn |
Long | Longfellow | Longman |
Longstaff | Louch | loud |
Love | Loveday | Lovejoy |
Lovel | Lovelace | Lovell |
Lovitt | Luff | Lugg |
Luttrell | Lyte | Maffey |
Maiden | Makepeace | Male |
Maliphant | Mallard | Mallory |
Manley | Marmion | Marrow |
Martyr | Maufe | Mauleverer |
Mawditt | May | Maybank |
Meager | Meek | Meeke |
Meiklejohn | Melk | Mercy |
Merriman | Merrison | Merry |
Merryweather | Metcalfe | Midwinter |
Mildmay | Milk | Minchin |
Minet | Miskin | Mockler |
Moignard | Monday | Morehen |
Morrant | Morrell | Mort |
Much | Mudge | Murch |
Muskett | Mutton | Nares |
Neam | Neame | Nears |
Neave | Neck | Neep |
Neighbour | New | Newman |
Newson | Nightingale | Niker |
Noblet | Nott | Odam |
Old | Orgill | Orpet |
Orpett | Outlaw | Palmer |
Papigay | Pardew | Pardey |
Parfett | Parlabean | Partridge |
Passmore | Paternoster | Pauncefoot |
Pauncefort | Peabody | Peacock |
Peacocke | Pear | Peart |
Peasebody | Peat | Peate |
Peay | Pee | Pellew |
Pelly | Penny | Pennyfather |
Pennyfeather | Pepperell | Peregrine |
Petch | Petchey | Petticrew |
Pettifer | Pettit | Pettitt |
Petty | Pigg | Pilgrim |
Pincher | Pingree | Pink |
Pinker | Pinnock | Pluckrose |
Poe | Poindexter | |
Polyblank | Poor | Poore |
Pope | Popejoy | Popplestone |
Portly | Postle | Povey |
Powdrill | Pratt | Pretty |
Prew | Prickett | Pride |
Prime | Prin | Prince |
Pring | Proffitt | Proud |
Proude | Proudfoot | Prowse |
Prudhom | Prudhomme | Pullan |
Purcell | Purchas | Purchase |
Purefoy | Puscat | Pyatt |
Pye | Quaintance | Quant |
Queen | Quick | Ramadge |
Ramage | Ramm | Ramson |
Rank | Rathbone | Raven |
Rawbone | Ready | Redwood |
Rich | Rideout | Ring |
Roe | Roebuck | Rook |
Rooke | Root | Roughead |
Round | Rous | Rouse |
Rowsell | Roy | Rudd |
Rump | Rundall | Russ |
Rust | Ruth | Sadd |
Saffron | Sage | Saint |
Savage | Scaife | Scammell |
Scattergood | Scragg | Secrett |
Secular | Selth | Sex |
Shakeshaft | Shakespear | Shakespeare |
Shank | Shanks | Shapeley |
Sharp | Sharpe | Shears |
Sheepshanks | Shere | Shergold |
Sherlock | Shewell | Shilling |
Shinn | Short | Shorthose |
Shortman | Shotbolt | Shoulder |
Shrapnel | Shrimp | Shuck |
Shuker | Silburn | Skeat |
Skeate | Skegg | Skipp |
Skipper | Sleeman | Sleeper |
Sleigh | Smale | Small |
Smallbones | Smart | Smartman |
Smele | Smollett | Snare |
Snell | Snow | Snowball |
Snuggs | Soan | Soane |
Sorrel | Sorrell | Spark |
Sparke | Sparrow | Sparrowhawke |
Speak | Speake | Speakman |
Spear | Speare | Speed |
Speight | Speke | Spendlove |
Spiller | Spink | Spinke |
Sprackling | Spray | Spring |
Springall | Springer | Springett |
Sproat | Sprunt | Squarey |
Squibb | Squirrel | Sriddell |
Stagg | Stallard | Staneven |
Stanfast | Stark | Starke |
Starling | Starr | Startifant |
Startup | Steer | Stern |
Stiff | Still | Stirk |
Stith | Stott | Stout |
Strag | Straight | Strange |
Stretch | Stripling | Strong |
Strongitharm | Stutter | Suckling |
Sudden | Sugarwhite | Supple |
Swart | Sweet | Sweetapple |
Sweeting | Sweetlove | Sweetman |
Swift | Syrop | Tabard |
Tait | Tallemach | Targett |
Tazewell | Tench | Tepest |
Tester | Thick | Thrush |
Thrussell | Tite | Titler |
Tod | Todd | Toogood |
Tooth | Tough | Tout |
Toy | Toye | Trant |
Trapnell | Treasure | Tredgett |
Trett | Trible | Tricker |
Trickett | Trig | Trigger |
Trivett | Trott | True |
Truelove | Trueman | Truman |
Try | Tulk | Turk |
Turnbull | Turtle | Twinn |
Twopence | Tyson | Vantage |
Veal | Veale | Verity |
Vidler | Vimpany | Virgin |
Virgo | Virgoe | Vivash |
Wake | Wann | Waple |
Ware | Warme | Warr |
Welfare | Wellcome | Wellfare |
Werlock | Wheat | White |
Whitefoot | Whitehead | Whitelegg |
Whitlock | Wigg | Wight |
Wild | Wildblood | Wildbore |
Wilde | Wilder | Wildgoose |
Wilding | Wildman | Wine |
Winn | Winter | Wisdom |
Wise | Wiseman | Witty |
Woodcock | Woodfull | Woodiwiss |
Wren | Wrenn | Wroth |
Yearling | Yemm | Yould |
Young | Younge | Younger |
Youngman | Youngmay | Yule |
This collection of names was compiled by Kate Monk and is ©1997, Kate Monk.
Copies may be made for personal use only.