Kate Monk's Onomastikon

(Dictionary of Names)


One of the main groups of English surnames is that which includes nicknames given to describe appearance, tastes, clothes, temper, morals etc. A lot of these have obvious meanings but those whose origins lie in Old or Middle English are more obscure.

Agnew Ankers Argent
Arlott Arlotte Armstrong
Ault Averill Ayer
Bagg Bagge Bairnsfather
Ball Ballard Barne
Barrat Barratt Barrett
Bastard Baud Beard
Beauclerk Becket Beckett
Belch Belcher Belgian
Belham Bellamy Bellmaine
Belt Bevin Bew
Bezzant Bigg Biggs
Bighead Bird Bisgood
Bismire Biss Bisset
Black Blacklock Blake
Blanchard Blanchflower Blandamore
Blank Bleakman Blessed
Blewett Bligh Blight
Blinman Bliss Blondell
Blood Blundell Blunden
Blunt Blythe Boar
Body Bold Bonamy
Bone Bonger Bonner
Bonser Boon Boss
Bossey Boutflour Bowie
Bowser Bracegirdle Bradfer
Bragg Bragge Breakspear
Bream Breese Brend
Bright Brisbane Broad
Broadfoot Broadribb Brock
Brockless Brown Browne
Browning Brownjohn Buck
Buffard Bugg Bull
Bullied Bullock Bunclarke
Bunyan Burd Burnet
Burrell Buss Butlin
Buzzard Caddow Callow
Cam Cammamile Cannard
Carless Carman Casbolt
Catt Cave Chaff
Chaffe Chant Charity
Cheek Cheever Cherry
Chick Chicken Chin
Chinn Clapp Cockbaine
Cockbill Coe Collop
Comfort Comley Conning
Coot Coote Cope
Copner Coppard Corp
Corpe Corrick Courage
Courtauld Courtenay Coy
Crane Crass Crawcour
Craze Crisp Crispe
Cruickshank Crump Cruse
Cuckow Cuff Curling
Curthose Curtin Cypher
Dagg Damson Dark
Darke Darling Dear
Deare Dearman Debney
Dent Dixey Dobell
Dodd Doe Dolittle
Dormer Douce Doughty
Dove Dowsett Drake
Drane Drinkall Drinkwater
Drury Duncalf Dunn
Dunne Dwelley Eld
Elder Evershed Fage
Fair Fairbrass Fairbrother
Fairchild Fairfax Fairfoot
Fairhead Fairman Fairweather
Falcon Fane Fant
Farr Farthing Fatt
Fauchon Fawn Fear
Fellowes Fellows Feverel
Fickle Fidge Fido
Fidoe Finch Fine
Firebrace Fish Fitch
Fitchett Flowerdew Flunder
Foljambe Follenfant Follett
Foot Fortman Fortnam
Fouweather Fowle Free
Freeborn Friend Frost
Froud Froude Fry
Frye Fuggle Fullalove
Gabb Gadd Gain
Gaine Gambrill Gamlin
Gape Garnon Garnons
Gawkrodger Gay Gaylord
Gear Gearing Gelding
Gent Gentle Gentleman
Gerrish Giddy Gigg
Gildersleeve Girle Gleave
Gleed Glew Goacher
Godsmark Gold Golden
Golightly Good Goodale
Goodbairn Goodbody Goodday
Goode Goodenough Goodfellow
Goodheart Goodlad Goodspeed
Goodyear Gook Gosling
Gotobed Gough Grand
Grealey Greathead Grice
Grill Groocock Gross
Grout Grubb Guest
Gully Gurden Hallmark
Hand Hardy Haresign
Harfoot Harlock Hart
Hawk Hawke Hendy
Hext Hoar Hoare
Hogg Holyman Idle
Jay Jaye Jucker
Keat Keate Keen
Keene Kippen Kipps
Langbain Lappin Lapping
Large Lark Larter
Laventure Lawless Lazar
Leaf Leafe Leal
Lean Leane Lebeau
Leleu Leng Leopard
Lepper Letcher Leuty
Leveson Light Lightbody
Lightfoot Lillicrop Lillywhite
Lipp Lithman Little
Littleboy Littlechild Littlejohn
Long Longfellow Longman
Longstaff Louch loud
Love Loveday Lovejoy
Lovel Lovelace Lovell
Lovitt Luff Lugg
Luttrell Lyte Maffey
Maiden Makepeace Male
Maliphant Mallard Mallory
Manley Marmion Marrow
Martyr Maufe Mauleverer
Mawditt May Maybank
Meager Meek Meeke
Meiklejohn Melk Mercy
Merriman Merrison Merry
Merryweather Metcalfe Midwinter
Mildmay Milk Minchin
Minet Miskin Mockler
Moignard Monday Morehen
Morrant Morrell Mort
Much Mudge Murch
Muskett Mutton Nares
Neam Neame Nears
Neave Neck Neep
Neighbour New Newman
Newson Nightingale Niker
Noblet Nott Odam
Old Orgill Orpet
Orpett Outlaw Palmer
Papigay Pardew Pardey
Parfett Parlabean Partridge
Passmore Paternoster Pauncefoot
Pauncefort Peabody Peacock
Peacocke Pear Peart
Peasebody Peat Peate
Peay Pee Pellew
Pelly Penny Pennyfather
Pennyfeather Pepperell Peregrine
Petch Petchey Petticrew
Pettifer Pettit Pettitt
Petty Pigg Pilgrim
Pincher Pingree Pink
Pinker Pinnock Pluckrose
Pocket Poe Poindexter
Polyblank Poor Poore
Pope Popejoy Popplestone
Portly Postle Povey
Powdrill Pratt Pretty
Prew Prickett Pride
Prime Prin Prince
Pring Proffitt Proud
Proude Proudfoot Prowse
Prudhom Prudhomme Pullan
Purcell Purchas Purchase
Purefoy Puscat Pyatt
Pye Quaintance Quant
Queen Quick Ramadge
Ramage Ramm Ramson
Rank Rathbone Raven
Rawbone Ready Redwood
Rich Rideout Ring
Roe Roebuck Rook
Rooke Root Roughead
Round Rous Rouse
Rowsell Roy Rudd
Rump Rundall Russ
Rust Ruth Sadd
Saffron Sage Saint
Savage Scaife Scammell
Scattergood Scragg Secrett
Secular Selth Sex
Shakeshaft Shakespear Shakespeare
Shank Shanks Shapeley
Sharp Sharpe Shears
Sheepshanks Shere Shergold
Sherlock Shewell Shilling
Shinn Short Shorthose
Shortman Shotbolt Shoulder
Shrapnel Shrimp Shuck
Shuker Silburn Skeat
Skeate Skegg Skipp
Skipper Sleeman Sleeper
Sleigh Smale Small
Smallbones Smart Smartman
Smele Smollett Snare
Snell Snow Snowball
Snuggs Soan Soane
Sorrel Sorrell Spark
Sparke Sparrow Sparrowhawke
Speak Speake Speakman
Spear Speare Speed
Speight Speke Spendlove
Spiller Spink Spinke
Sprackling Spray Spring
Springall Springer Springett
Sproat Sprunt Squarey
Squibb Squirrel Sriddell
Stagg Stallard Staneven
Stanfast Stark Starke
Starling Starr Startifant
Startup Steer Stern
Stiff Still Stirk
Stith Stott Stout
Strag Straight Strange
Stretch Stripling Strong
Strongitharm Stutter Suckling
Sudden Sugarwhite Supple
Swart Sweet Sweetapple
Sweeting Sweetlove Sweetman
Swift Syrop Tabard
Tait Tallemach Targett
Tazewell Tench Tepest
Tester Thick Thrush
Thrussell Tite Titler
Tod Todd Toogood
Tooth Tough Tout
Toy Toye Trant
Trapnell Treasure Tredgett
Trett Trible Tricker
Trickett Trig Trigger
Trivett Trott True
Truelove Trueman Truman
Try Tulk Turk
Turnbull Turtle Twinn
Twopence Tyson Vantage
Veal Veale Verity
Vidler Vimpany Virgin
Virgo Virgoe Vivash
Wake Wann Waple
Ware Warme Warr
Welfare Wellcome Wellfare
Werlock Wheat White
Whitefoot Whitehead Whitelegg
Whitlock Wigg Wight
Wild Wildblood Wildbore
Wilde Wilder Wildgoose
Wilding Wildman Wine
Winn Winter Wisdom
Wise Wiseman Witty
Woodcock Woodfull Woodiwiss
Wren Wrenn Wroth
Yearling Yemm Yould
Young Younge Younger
Youngman Youngmay Yule

This collection of names was compiled by Kate Monk and is ©1997, Kate Monk.

Copies may be made for personal use only.

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