Kate Monk's Onomastikon

(Dictionary of Names)

Romanian Names

The language is largely derived from Latin as is the name of the country. As a result, forms of names are quite similar to Spanish or Italian although names from the Slavonic areas nearby are also used as are borrowings from German and Hungarian. The names of Catholic saints and historical figures are also popular.


Adrian Alexander Alexandru
Andre Andrei Anghel
Anton Aurel Bela
Benedikte Bogdan Boris
Carol Cincinel Circu
Claudiu Constantin Cornel
Corneliu Cosmin Cristofor
Damian Dan Dana
Daniel Danila Demetri
Dinu Dominik Doriel
Dorinel Dragos Dumitru
Dvidiu Emil Enric
Eugen Eugeniu Felix
Ferdinand Florin Florinel
Frantisek Gabi Gabriel
Georghe Georghiu Gheorghe
Henric Horia Iancu
Ignatie Igor Ilie
Ioan Ion Ionel
Iorghu Iorgu Iosif
Janos Jon Ladislau
Liviu Lucian Lupul
Marian Marius Marku
Martin Matai Matatias
Michael Mihai Mihail
Mihas Mirca Miron
Mugur Nae Nandru
Nichifor Nicholae Nicholas
Nicolae Nicu Octavian
Oviduiu Petar Petre
Petru Radu Rafail
Robert Robin Sergiu
Silvestru Silviu Simion
Sislau Sorin Stanislav
Stefan Teodor Tiberiu
Tibor Toma Tomescu
Tomic Tudor Valeriu
Vasile Vilhelm Viorel
Virgil Vlad Yousef

This collection of names was compiled by Kate Monk and is ©1997, Kate Monk.

Copies may be made for personal use only.

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