Kate Monk's Onomastikon

(Dictionary of Names)

Song of Roland

These names are those of characters mentioned in the medieval French 'Chanson de Roland'. I think the actual event upon which it is based was a battle between the Franks and the Basques in the C9th.



Acelin Adelroth Anseis
Anthelme Astor Astorge
Basan Basbrun Basile
Besgun Bevon Blancandrin
Carlon Challemmeinne Challemoinne
Charlemayn Clarin Dro-on
Eggihard Eginhardt Engelier
Estramarin Eudropin Gaifer
Ganelon Geboin Gebun
Gerier Gerin Guenes
Guinemanz Guinemat Ivon
Ivor Johun Jozeran
Malabayn Malapallin Naimon
Ogier Olivere Othone
Pinabel Priamon Rabel
Renier Samson Tibbald
Turoldus Turpin Vivien



Abisme Almanzor Ambure
Baligant Burel Canbeus
Capuel Chernubles Clarien
Clarifant Climborin Dapamort
Escremiz Espanelis Esprevere
Estorgan Faldron Floridee
Galafe Gemalfin Grandoye
Jangleu Jurfaret Maelgut
Mahond Malcude Malduit
Malpramis Malprimis Malquiant
Malun Marcule Marganice
Margaris Marsile Marsilion
Matraien Timozel Torleu
Turgis Valdebron  




This collection of names was compiled by Kate Monk and is ©1997, Kate Monk.

Copies may be made for personal use only.

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