These names are those of characters mentioned in the medieval French 'Chanson de Roland'. I think the actual event upon which it is based was a battle between the Franks and the Basques in the C9th.
Acelin | Adelroth | Anseis |
Anthelme | Astor | Astorge |
Basan | Basbrun | Basile |
Besgun | Bevon | Blancandrin |
Carlon | Challemmeinne | Challemoinne |
Charlemayn | Clarin | Dro-on |
Eggihard | Eginhardt | Engelier |
Estramarin | Eudropin | Gaifer |
Ganelon | Geboin | Gebun |
Gerier | Gerin | Guenes |
Guinemanz | Guinemat | Ivon |
Ivor | Johun | Jozeran |
Malabayn | Malapallin | Naimon |
Ogier | Olivere | Othone |
Pinabel | Priamon | Rabel |
Renier | Samson | Tibbald |
Turoldus | Turpin | Vivien |
Abisme | Almanzor | Ambure |
Baligant | Burel | Canbeus |
Capuel | Chernubles | Clarien |
Clarifant | Climborin | Dapamort |
Escremiz | Espanelis | Esprevere |
Estorgan | Faldron | Floridee |
Galafe | Gemalfin | Grandoye |
Jangleu | Jurfaret | Maelgut |
Mahond | Malcude | Malduit |
Malpramis | Malprimis | Malquiant |
Malun | Marcule | Marganice |
Margaris | Marsile | Marsilion |
Matraien | Timozel | Torleu |
Turgis | Valdebron |
This collection of names was compiled by Kate Monk and is ©1997, Kate Monk.
Copies may be made for personal use only.