Kate Monk's Onomastikon

(Dictionary of Names)

Catalonia (Sp. CataluÔ

a, Cat. Catalunya)

This autonomous region of north-east Spain was an independent country until the union with Aragon in 1137. It became part of the united Apain of Ferdinand and Isabella in 1479 but linguistic differences were retained. From 1932-9, it was autonomous but lost its priveleges becaue it supported the republicans in the Spanish Civil War (1936-9). Autonomy and the official of the Catalan language were restored in 1980 and the Barcelona Olympics gave the Catalan culture a chance to make itself more widely known.

Catalan Names

Catalan names are closely related to those of the Provençal region of southern France.


Agustí - Augustus Aleix - Alexius Aleixandre - Alexander
Amans, Mans - Amancio Ambròs - Ambrose Andreu - Andrew
Anton, Antoni - Anthony Bartomeu - Batholomew Arnau - Arnold
Benet - Bendict Berenguer - Berenger Bernat - Bernard
Blai, Blasi - Blaise Cebrià - Cyprian Claris - Clare
Cristòfol - Christopher Cugat - Lat Cucuphas Dalmai, Dalmau - Dalmacio
Domenec, Domenge - Dominic Donat - Donatus Enric - Henry
Ermengol - Ermenegildo Esteve - Stephen Felip - Philip
Feliu - Felix Ferr« n - Ferdinand Ferrer - St Vicente Ferrer
Francesc - Francis Guillem - William Hipolit, Polit - Hippolytos
Jaume - James Joan - John Joaquim - Joachim
Jordi - George Josep - Joseph Juìa - Julian
Llàtzer - Lazarus Lleir Lleonard - Leonard
Luc, Lluch, Luich - Luke Mateu - Matthew Lleó - Leo
Llorenç - Laurence Lluis - Louis Manel - Manuel
Marti - Martin Matell - Medir - Emeterio
Micholau Milla - Emilian Miquel - Michael
Muc Narcis - Narcissus Nicolau, Micholau - Nicholas
Pau - Paul Pere - Peter Ponç - Pontius
Quirc, Quirze - Quiricus Nicasi - Nikasios Rafel - Raphael
Roc - Rocco Rufi, Rufim - Rufinus Sadurni
Tirs - Thyrsosr Vicenç - Vincent Renat - Renatus


Agnes Anaïs - Anne Beatriu - Beatrice
Coloma Llogaia - Leocadia Llora - Laura
Miracle Mireio, Mireia Nadal
Neus Nuria - Our Lady of N Remei
Renat Violant  


Pujol Savall Subira

This collection of names was compiled by Kate Monk and is ©1997, Kate Monk.

Copies may be made for personal use only.

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