Kate Monk's Onomastikon

(Dictionary of Names)

Sources and Acknowledgements

Not all of the following sources were actually used in the compilation of Onomastikon and their listing here should not be taken as a recommendation or indication of availability. Many of the names (particularly those from the Medieval and Celtic sections) were collected long before there was any intention of putting them out as a web site so records of sources were not properly kept but I hope to be able to sort this out eventually.

Each separate list was taken from many different sources such as news programmes, history books, novels and magazines. For modern names, the sports programmes are especially useful as they tend to put names of competitors on screen. Although I do use the Internet, there is often a difficulty in attributing names to the right country so I tend not to rely on it except when a reliable source is given for the names such as in genealogy pages.

I do use historical novels occasionally - only those writers whose characters actually existed though! These include: Lindsay Davies, Colleen McCullough, Mary Stewart, Mary Renault, Robert Graves, Rosemary Sutcliff, Edith Pargeter, Jean Plaidy, Juliet Dymoke, Henry Treece, Nigel Tranter, Margaret Irwin, D.K. Broster.

Members of re-enactment groups have expressed anxiety as to whether the entries in the medieval section could be counted as genuine as they have a very strict system. Although these lists may contain names that were very rare, in no case are they invented. However, as the site was only intended to provide a list of interesting alternatives to the more common medieval names, it should not be used as a means of proving a name's authenticity for the period in which one is interested.


Chronology of World History (4 volumes) - Helicon Publishing
Hutchinson Dictionary of World History - Helicon Publishing, 1995
The Times Atlas of World History
Past Worlds : The Times Atlas of Archaeology
Pears Cyclopaedia 101st edn 1992-3 - Pelham Books Ltd 1992
Magnusson, Magnus, ed. - Chambers Biographical Dictionary - Chambers Harrap 1993
Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary
Williamson, David - Brewer's British Royalty - Cassell, 1996

England and English speaking Countries

First Names

These are the ones I have found most reliable. They are academic studies as well as guides to baby naming and attempt to provide truthful definitions rather than guessing.

Dunkling, Leslie - The Guinness Book Of Names
Dunkling, Leslie and Gosling, William - The Facts on File Dictionary of First Names, Facts on File Publications, 1983
Dunkling, Leslie, and William Gosling - The New American Dictionary of First Names, Signet
Hanks, Patrick and Hodges, Flavia - A Dictionary of First Names - O.U.P. 1990
Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 1971
Norman, Jessica - A World of Baby Names - Perigee Books/Berkley Publishing Group -1996
Withycombe, E.G. - The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names, 3rd edn (1st pub 1945) - Oxford University Press
Yonge, Charlotte Mary - A History of Christian Names - MacMillan & Co., London, 1884

Many of this next list seem to be typical 'baby name' books in that they try to provide names with pleasing meanings even if these are doubtful. Some of the ones that I've looked at, whilst including many new and unusual names, cannot be relied upon as far as meaning and origin are concerned as many do not even agree with each other.

Abadie, M.J. - Multicultural Baby Names
Ames, Winthrop - What Shall We Name the Baby? - Simon and Schuster 1974 (1st pub 1941
Browder, Sue - The New Age Baby Name Book
Consumer Guide Editors - The Ultimate Baby Name Book
Cresswell, Julia - Tuttle Dictionary of First Names - US 1992
De la Paix, Yvonne - Just the Perfect Name - Avery Publishing Group, 1997
Faulkner, Benjamin - What to Name Your African-American Baby
Fields, Maxine - Baby Names from Around the World
Frank, Debbie - Baby Signs: How to Discover Your Child's Personality Through the Stars
Hook, J. N. - All Those Wonderful Names
Kenyon, Sherrilyn - The Writer's Digest Character Naming Sourcebook
Kolatch, Alfred J. - Dictionary of First Names 1980
Kolatch, Alfred J. - The Name Dictionary 1967
Lansky, Bruce - Very Best Baby Name Book - Meadowbook Press/Simon and Schuster1996
Munoz, Sharon R. - Afro-American Names
Redmond Satran, Pamela, and Rosenkrantz, Linda - Beyond Jennifer & Jason : An Enlightened Guide to Naming Your Baby
Redmond Satran, Pamela, and Rosenkrantz, Linda - Beyond Sarah and Sam : An Enlightened Guide to Jewish Baby Naming
Redmond Satran, Pamela, and Rosenkrantz, Linda - The Last Word on First Names
Rule, Lareina - Name Your Baby - Bantam Books, 1986
Samuelson, Pamela - Baby Names for the New Century (A Comprehensive Multicultural Guide to Finding the Perfect Name for your Baby) - Harper paperbacks, 1994
Schwegel, Janet - The Baby Name Countdown 1988
Spinesi, Stephen J. - The Celebrity Baby Name Book
Trantino, Charlee - Beautiful Baby Names From Your Favorite Soap Operas
Turner, Barbara Kay - The Very Best Book of Baby Names


Attwater, Donald - The Penguin Dictionary of Saints, 2nd ed., Penguin Books, 1983
Broderick Fisher, Enid - Saints Alive! - Fount Paperbacks (Harper Collins) 1995
Castle, Tony - Christian Names for Boys and Girls - Hodder and Stoughton, 1996
Farmer, David Hugh, The Oxford Dictionary of Saints, Oxford University Press, 1982
Hallam, Elizabeth ed. - Saints - Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1994
Kelly, Sean and Rogers, Rosemary - Saints Preserve Us! - Robson Books, 1995
MacMath, Fiona - Saints' Names For Your Baby - Marshall Pickering/Harper Collins, 1997
Walsh, Michael - The Universe Book of Saints - Geoffrey Chapman, 1994


Cottle, Basil - The Penguin Dictionary of Surnames, 2nd ed., Penguin Books
Guppy H.B. - Homes of Family Names in Great Britain, London 1890
Loughead, Flora Haines - Dictionary of Given Names 1933 - Arthur H. Clark Company, 1933
Reaney, P. H. - The Origin of English Surnames, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1967
Reaney, P. H. - A Dictionary of British Surnames, 2nd ed., Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1976
Reaney, P. H. - The Origin of English Place Names, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985
Reaney, P.H. & Wilson, R.M. A Dictionary of English Surnames. London: Routledge, 1991
Rose, Christine - Nicknames Past and Present - Rose Family Association

The various volumes produced by the English Placenames Society are also useful for regional variations of surname.

Old English/Anglo-Saxon

Appelbergs Boktryckeri, K.W. (?)- English Times, Uppsala, 1916
Bede, the Venerable - A History of the English Church and People (trans. Leo Sherley-Price) Penguin Classics, 1982
Boehler, Maria - Die altenglischen Frauennamen - Nendeln, Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint Limited, 1967 (orig. publ. 1930)
Ekwall, Eilert - Early London Personal Names - Lund: C. W. K. Gleerup, 1947
Ekwall, Eilert - The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Placenames, 4th edn. Oxford 1960
Forssner, Thorvald - Continental-Germanic Personal Names in England in Old and Middle English Times - Uppsala: 1916
Redin, Mats - Studies on Uncompounded Personal Names in Old English - Uppsala: 1919
Searle, William George - Onamasticon Anglo-Saxonicum, Cambridge University Press
Seltén, Bo - The Anglo-Saxon Heritage in Middle English Personal Names: East Anglia 1100-1399 Lund CWK Gleerup, 1972, 1979
Stenton, Sir Frank - Anglo-Saxon England - Oxford History of Britain, 3rd edn. 1971
Ström, Hilmer - Old English Personal Names in Bede's History: An Etymological-Phonological Investigation - Lund Studies in English 8.  Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup, 1939
Swanton, Michael (edited and translated) - The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle - J. M. Dent 1996
von Feilitzen, Olof -  The Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book - Uppsala: 1937


English Heritage and National Trust guide books (history sections)
Parish records
Chaucer, Geoffrey - The Canterbury Tales
Ridge, C. Harold, ed. - Index to Administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Vol. III, 1581-1595. London: The British Record Society, Limited, 1954.
The Oxford History of England, OUP


Carr, Phyllis - The Pendragon Companion
Burrow, J.A. ed. - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Penguin 1972
Mallory, Thomas - The Morte D'Arthur - various editions
The Mabinogien


Many histories of Roman Britain also include names of Celtic origin.

Delaney, Frank - Legends of the Celts
Farmer, David Hugh - The Oxford Dictionary of Saints
Lady Gregory - Gods and Fighting Men
Matthews, John (compiled and edited) - A Celtic Reader - Thorsons (Harper Collins), 1991
Morlet, Marie-Thérèse - Les Noms de Personne sur le Territoire de l'Ancienne Gaule du VIe au XIIe Siècle, Vols. I, II & III - Paris: Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1968, 1972, 1985
Rolleston, T.W. - Illustrated Guide to Celtic Mythology - Studio Editions, 1993


Coghlan, Ronan - Irish Christian Names - London 1987
Flanagan, Laurence - Favourite Irish Names for Children - Gill and Macmillan, 1993
MacLysaght, Edward - The Surnames of Ireland, 6th ed., Irish Academic Press, 1985
O'Brien, M.A. - Corpus Genealogiarum Hiberniae
O'Corrain, Donnchadh - Gaelic Personal Names- Dublin 1981
Redmond Satran, Pamela, and Rosenkrantz, Linda - Beyond Shannon and Sean : An Enlightened Guide to Irish Baby Naming
Woulfe, Patrick - Irish Names for Children - Dublin 1974
Woulfe, Patrick - Sloinnte Gaedheal is Gall: Irish Names and Surnames


Black, George F - The Surnames of Scotland - Edinburgh: Birlinn, 1993
Dunkling, Leslie - Scottish Christian Names, Johnston & Bacon Books, Stirling, 1988
Jackson, Kenneth - The Gaelic Notes in the Book of Deer - Cambridge University Press, 1972
Urquhart, Blair - Tartans - The Apple Press, 1994


Bardsley, Charles - A Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1980
Davies, Trefor - A Book of Welsh Names - London 1952
Gruffudd, Heini - Welsh Personal Names, Y Lolfa, 1980
Lewis, E.A. - An Inventory of the Early Chancery Proceedings Concerning Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1937
Lewis, E.A. - The Toll Books of Some North Pembrokeshire Fairs (1599-1603) in The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies vol.7 1934
Morgan, T.J., and Prys, Morgan - Welsh Surnames, University of Wales Press, 1985
Rowlands, John and Sheila - The Surnames of Wales - Fedn. of Family History Socs., 1996
Stephens, Ruth - Welsh Names for Children - Talybont 1970
Walker, David - Medieval Wales - Cambridge University Press, 1990
Williams-Jones, Keith - The Merioneth Lay Subsidy Roll 1292-3. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1976


Brice, Christopher - Names for the Cornish - Truro 1970
White, G. Pawley - A Handbook of Cornish Surnames, 2nd ed., Helston Printers, 1981

Western Europe


Hanks, Patrick and Hodges, Flavia - A Dictionary of First Names - O.U.P. 1990
Hanks, Patrick and Hodges, Flavia - A Dictionary of Surnames

Thanks to Daniella Carlsson for the help with medieval Europe.


Barbour, John - 1375. The Bruce, or, The Book of the most excellent and noble prince, Robert de Broyss, King of Scots - Early English Text Society, London 1870 ed. Walter W. Skeat
Dauzat, Albert - Dictionnaire Étymologique de la Langue Française - Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1938
Dauzat, Albert - Dictionnaire Etymologique des Noms de Famille et Pronoms de France, Libraire Larousse, Paris, 1987
Joinville and Villehardouin - Chronicles of the Crusades, trans. M. R. B. Shaw - New York Dorset Press, 1985
La Chanson de la croisade albigeoise de Guillaume de Tulde - translated into French by Henri Gougaud, Le Livre de Poche, Librairie Générale Française, Paris, 1989
La Chanson de Roland - trans. Dorothy L. Sayers - Penguin Classics, 1937


Junco, Maite and Arce, Rose - Bebes Preciosos : 5,001 Hispanic Baby Names - Avon
Woods, Richard D. (ed) - Hispanic First Names : A Comprehensive Dictionary of 250 Years of Mexican American Usage (Bibliographies and Indexes in Anthropology, No 1)

Thanks to Thomas Mailleux Santana for information about Brazilian names.

Thanks to Francisco Antonio Fernandes Barros Castro for help with the Portuguese section.


De Felice, Emidio - Dizionario dei Cognomi Italiani - Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1978
De Felice, Emidio - Dizionario dei Nomi Italiani - Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1988
Fucilla, Joseph G. - Our Italian Surnames, Chandler's Inc, Evanston, Illinois, 1949
Bruckerm, Gene ed. - The Society of Renaissance Florence: A Documentary Study - Harper Torchbooks, Harper & Row Inc, New York
The Autobiography of Benevenuto Cellini - Penguin Books
Grohmann, Alberto - L'Imposizione Diretta nei Comuni della'Italia Centrale nel XII Secolo: La Libra di Perugia del 1285 - Paris, Torino: École Française de Rome, 1986

Thanks to Ilaria Bardi Keogh for all her help with Italian first names.


Bahlow Hans, trans Edda Gentry- Dictionary of German Names - Max Kade Institute, 1993
Bahlow, Hans - Deutsches Namenlexikon - Taschenbuch 1985
Brechenmacher - Etymologisches Worterbuch der Deutschen Familiennamen Limburg 1963.
Hellfritzsch, Volkmar - Vogtländische Personennamen - Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1969).
Jones, George F. - German-American Names - Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD.
Mulch, Roland - Arnsburger Personennamen: Untersuchungen zum Namenmaterial aus Arnsburger Urkunden vom 13 - 16 Jahrhundert - Darmstadt & Marburg: Hessischen Historischen Kommission Darmstadt and the Historischen Kommission für Hessen, 1974.
Naumann, Horst - Das grosse Buch der Familiennamen - Niedernhausen, Germany, 1994

The Netherlands

These are titles that I've seen mentioned on internet sites. I am not sure if there are English translations or even if they are available outside the Netherlands.

Beele, Wilfried - Studie van de leperse Persoonsnamen uit de Stads en Baljuwsrekeningen 1250-1400 - 1975
Debrabandere, Frans - Kortrijkse Naamkunde 1200-1300, met een kumulatief familienamenregister - Anthroponymica XXII - Leuven, 1980
Debrabandere, Frans - Etymological Dictionary of the Surnames in Belgium and North France - Brussels, 1993
Heeroma, K. and Miedema, H.T.J. - Perspectief der Doopboeken, proeve van een historische voornamengeografie van Groningen en aangrenzende gebieden - Assen, Van Gorcump and Co. 1972
Huizinga, A - Encyclopedie van Namen - Amsterdam, A.J.G. Strengholt, 1955
Kunzel, R. E., Blok D. P., Verhoeff, J. M - Lexicon van Nederlandse Toponiemen tot 1200 - P.J. Meertens, Amsterdam, 1989
Leenen, J. - De Schrijfwijze van de Aanlopen DE en VAN in Geslachtsnamen, Anthroponymica XI - Leuven and Brussel, 1989
Lemmen, Loren - Names from the Netherlands - USA, 1986
Leys, O. - Vlaamse Vrouwennamen, Anthroponymica X, pars - Leuven and Brussel, 1959
Marynissen, C. - Hypokoristische Suffixen in Oudnederlandse Persoonsnamen inz de Z en L suffixen - Gent, 1986
Roelandts, K. & P. J. Meertens - Nederlandse Familienamen in Historisch Perspectief, Anthroponymica IV - Leuven and Brussel, 1951
Swaen, A. E. H. - Nederlandsche Geslachtsnamen - Zutphen, W. J. Thieme & Cie 1942
Tavernier-Vereecken, C - Gentse Naamkunde van ca. 1000 tot 1253: een bijdrage tot de kennis van het oudste middelnederlands - Belgium 1968
van der Schaar, J. - De Hollandse Naamgeving in de Middeleeuwen in Zuid-Nederland, Anthroppnymica X, pars, Leuven and Brussel, 1959
van der Schaar, J. - Woordenboek van Voornamen : inventarisatie van de doop en roepnamen met hun etymologie - Utrecht and Antwerpen, Aula-Boeken, 1967
Van der Velden, G. M. - Het Oudste Cijnregister van de Abdij van Berne uit 1376 - Hertogenbosch 1982
van Geertsom, the Rev. - Voornamen uit het Land van Waas (1244-1796) in: Annalen van den Oudheidkundigen Kring van het Land van Waas - Deel 62, 1ste Aflevering 1957
Verbruggen, Jan Frans - Het gemeenteleger van Brugge van 1338 tot 1340 en de namen van de weerbare mannen - 1962
Winkler, Johan - De Namen, der Ingezetenen van Leeuwarden ten jare 1511 - Haarlem 1992
Winkler, Johan - De Nederlandsche Geslachtsnamen: in oorsprong, geschiedenis en beteekenis - Haarlem 1885 (reprinted 1971)
Winkler, Johan - Helmondsche Namen uit de Middeleeuen - Helmond 1892

Thanks to Georges Picavet and Walter van Opstal for their help with this section.

Eastern Europe

Hankiss, Agnes - A Hungarian Romance - Readers International 1988
Malcolmsen, Scott - Empire's Edge - Faber and Faber, 1994

Thanks to Marcin Barylka for the corrections to the Polish section.

Former Yugoslavia

Lampe, John R. - Yugoslavia as History - Cambridge University Press, 1996
Udovicki, Jasminka and Ridgeway, James (eds.) - Yugoslavia's Ethnic Nightmare - Lawrence Hill Books, 1995


Komaroff-Kourloff, Nicolas - Titres Nobiliaires 862-1917, Paris, 1985
Mirzayev, Osman - Our First Names - (in Azerbaijani) Baku, 1986
Petrovskii, N.A. - Slovar' Russkikh Lichnikh Imen A - Ya and Unbeguan, B.O., Russian Surnames
Toumanoff, Prince Cyrille, - Les Dynasties De La Caucasie Chrétienne De L'antiquité Jusqu'au Xixe Siècle. Tables Généalogiques Et Chronologiques, Rome, 1990; Les Maisons Princières Géorgiennes, Rome, 1983 Catalogue De La Noblesse Titrée De L'empire De Russie, Rome, 1982
Vikontessa Tatiana Nikolaevna Tumanova, CL - The Compleat Russian Name Book, 2nd ed., 1988

Thanks to Sergey Bratus for his help with Russian first names and diminutives.

Baltic States

Hiden, John and Salmon, Patrick - The Baltic Nations and Europe - Longman, 1994
University of Helsinki - Almanakka vuodeksi 1995 (Almanac for the year 1995)

Thanks to Jussi Pakarinen and Outi Tunnela for their help with the Finnish section.


Eisen, M.J. - Christian and Family Names in Tartu-Võru County in 1582 - Eesti Keel 1923
Saareste, A. - About Estonian Surnames, Past, Present and Future - ERK Nr. 9/10, 1934
Lepp, A. - Statistics of Surnames/Estonian Statistics - ? - 1936
Must, Aadu - Estonian Historical Onomastics: Surnames in the 19th Century. Electronic publication on CD-ROM, Tartu, 1995
Rajandi, E. and Tarand, H. - On Surnames and Some Tasks in their Research - Keel ja Kirjandus, 1966
Rajandi, E. and Tarand, H. - On the Classification and Explanation of Our Surnames - Keel ja Kirjandus, 1966
Roos, E. - On Some Questions in the Field of Peculiarities of Names of Towns and Urban Settlements - 1936

Thanks to Maimu Alber for the contributions to the Estonian section.


Fellows Jensen, Gillian - Scandinavian Personal Names in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire - Copenhagen: 1968.
Geirr Bassi Haraldsson - The Old Norse Name, Studia Marklandica
Gordon, E. V. - An Introduction to Old Norse 2nd edition - Oxford University Press 1957
Ibsen, Hendrik - Four Major Plays - The World's Classics
Jensen, Gillian Fellows - Scandinavian Personal Names in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire - Copenhagen, I kommission hos Akademisk forlag, 1968)
Palsson, Herman trans. - Hrafnkel's Saga and Other Stories - Penguin 1971
Roesdahl, Else - The Vikings - Allen Lane, The Penguin Press

Thanks to Mette Markert for her help with the Danish section.

Thanks to Gudrun Bjarkadottir for her help with the Icelandic section.

Ancient World

Lemprire's Classical Dictionary of Proper Names Mentioned in Ancient Authors - Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978
Rohl, David - A Test of Time - Century Limited, 1995
Shaw, Ian + Nicholson, Paul - British Museum Dictionary of Ancient Egypt - BM Press
The Epic of Gilgamesh


Lang, David Marshall - Armenia: Cradle of Civilization (3rd ed) - George Allen & Unwin, 1980
Nersessian, V. - Armenian Illustrated Gospel-Books London: The British Library, 1987
Sanjian, Avedis K. (Narkiss, Bezalel and Stone, Michael E. eds) - Armenian Art Treasures of Jerusalem - New Rochelle, NY : Caratzas Brothers, Publishers, 1979

Thanks to Karen Reinhart for the contributions to the Armenian section.


Beard, Henry - Latin For All Occasions - Harper Collins, 1993
Birley, Anthony - The People of Roman Britain - Batsford, 1979
Graves, Robert - I, Claudius + Claudius the God - Penguin, 1985
Plutarch's Lives
Salway, Peter - Roman Britain (Oxford History of Britain vol. 1) - Oxford 1991
Virgil (ed. Jackson Knight, W.F.) - The Aeneid - Penguin 1958


Herodotus 'The Histories'
Homer (trans. Rieu, E.V.) - The Iliad - Penguin, 1950
Homer (trans. Rieu, E.V.) - The Odyssey - Penguin, 1946
Murray, Alexander S. - Who's Who In Mythology - Bracken Books, 1988
Renault, Mary - The Alexander Trilogy - Penguin
Renault, Mary - The Nature of Alexander - Penguin, 1975


Asante, Molefi Keti - The Book of African Names - Africa World Press Inc. 1991
Delheure, Jean, Contes et legendes Berberes de Ouargla - Paris, 1989
Dessommes, Francois - Notes sur l'histoire des Kabylies, TIRA 1992
Gaid, Mouloud - Aguellids Berberes et Romains, OPU
Grace, John and Laffin, John - Fontana Dictionary of Africa Since 1960
Keletigui, Mariko - Les Touaregs Ouelleminden (les fils des grandes tentes) - Editions Karthala, 1984
Porch, Douglas - The Conquest of the Sahara
Stewart, Julia - African Names

Thanks to Haddis Tafari for help with Ethiopian names.

The Orient

Chandler, David - A History of Cambodia - Westview Press/Harper Collins, 3rd edn, 1996
Lubis, Mochtar - Indonesia, Land Under The Rainbow - Oxford University Press, 1990
SarDesai, D.R. - Southeast Asia, Past and Present - Westview Press Inc, 1994
Shearer, Alistair - Thailand, The Lotus Kingdom - John Murray 1989
Journal of Vietnamese Studies


Adshead, S.A.M. - China In World History - Macmillan Press Limited, 1995 (2nd Edn)
Roberts, J.A.G. - A History of China, Volume I, Prehistory to c 1800 - Alan Sutton Publishing Limited, 1996


Cortazzi, Hugh - The Japanese Achievement - Sidgewick and Jackson, 1990
O'Neill, P.G - Japanese Names : A Comprehensive Index by Characters
Storry, Richard - A History of Modern Japan - Pelican 1960, reprinted Penguin, 1990
Waswo, Ann - Modern Japanese Society 1868-1994 - Oxford University Press, 1996

Thanks to Barbara Pijan for the suggestions for the Tibetan section.


Bawden, Charles trans. - The Mongol Chronicle Altan Tobchi - Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1955
Boyle, J.A. trans. - History of the World Conqueror, Ala-ad-din 'Ata- Malik Juvaini - Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1958
Boyle, J.A. trans. - Successors of Ghenghis Khan Rasid-al-Din - Columbia University Press, 1971
Cleaves, Francis Woodman - The Mongolian Names and Terms in the History of the Nation of the Archers by Grigor of Akanc - Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, vol. 12, 1936
Cleaves, Francis Woodman, trans - Secret History of the Mongols, vol 1 - Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1982
Grombech, Kaare and Krueger, John R. - An Introduction to Classical (Literary) Mongolian - Hubert & Co., Gottingen, Wiesbaden 1955
Lamb, Harold - Genghis Khan - (first published 1927) - Pinnacle Books, Los Angles, 1976
Mysliwy, Marta-as tu Mika - Mongolian Naming Practices - KWHS Proceedings, Ansteorra, 1990
Poppe, Nicholas - Mongolian Language Handbook - Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, DC, 1970


Gandhi, Maneka - The Penguin Dictionary of Hindu Names
Wisden Cricketers' Yearbook

Thanks to Avinash Singh Khatter for his help with Sikh names.

Arab/Middle East

Gandhi, Maneka and Husain, Ozair - The Complete Book of Muslim and Parsi Names Indus/Harper Collins, 1994
Schimmel, Annemarie - Islamic Names - Edinburgh University Press, 1989


? The Iranians : How They Live and Work -
Farman-Farmaian, Soutoudeh -
Roohizadegan, Olya - Olya's Story


Kelsey, Tim - Dervish: The Invention of Modern Turkey - Hamish Hamilton, 1996
Wheatcroft, Andrew - The Ottomans : Dissolving Images - Viking 1993


Ka'Ano'l, Patrick and Snakenburg, R.L. - Hawai'ian Name Book


Alpers, Anthony - Maori Myth and Legend - Longman, Auckland, 1996
Belich, Jamie - I shall not Die, Titokawaru's War in New Zealand 1865-1869 - Allen and Unwin, Auckland, c 1990
Belich, Jamie The New Zealand Wars and the Victorian Intrepretation of Racial Conflict - Allen and Unwin, Auckland, c 1990
Best, Elsdon - Maori Religion and Mythology - New Zealand Government Printer 1973
Binney, Judith - Redemption songs, A Life of Te Kooti Arikirangi Te Turuku - Auckland University Press, 1997
Cowan, James - The Maori Wars
Firth, Raymond - Economics of the New Zealand Maori Government Printer, 1973
Irwin, James - 'An introduction to Maori Religion' - Australian Association for the Study of Religions, No 4
Pearse, G.L. - Story of the Maori People - Collins, Auckland, 1968
Rice, Geoff ed. - Oxford History of New Zealand 2nd Edition - Oxford University Press 1992

Thanks to Tim Lovell Smith for his help with Maori mythology.

The Americas

Coe, Michael D. - Mexico - 3rd Edition, Thames and Hudson, 1962
Hassig, Ross - Mexico and the Spanish Conquest - Longman, 1994
Hemming, John - The Conquest of the Incas - Macmillan, 1970
Snow, Dean R. - The Iroquois - Blackwell, 1994
Townsend, Richard F. - The Aztecs - Thames and Hudson, 1992
Tsouras, Peter G. - Warlords of the Ancient Americas - Arms and Armour Press, 1996
Whitlock, Ralph - Everyday Life of the Maya - Batsford, 1976

Thanks to John E. Koontz for the information about Sioux names.

This collection of names was compiled by Kate Monk and is ©1997, Kate Monk.

Copies may be made for personal use only.

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