These reflect the different countries inhabited by the Jewish people. Despite being taken from the language of the country of residence, some are considered typically Jewish. These include names with the element 'Gold' in particular. Traditionally, Jewish people did not inherited surnames but used patronymics or matronymics preceded by 'ben' son of or 'bat' daughter of, for identification. As hereditary surnames became established in Europe during the middle ages, Jewish people began to use second names which were sometimes combinations of a personal name and a patronymic or words reflecting events in a family's life.
In 1787, Joseph II of Austria passed a law which required all Jews to adopt a hereditary surname and similar rules were made throughou Europe with Russia one of the last countries to make one in 1845. Some officials in Austria and Germany would only register names with favourable meanings if they were paid and as many could not afford this, they were assigned surnames with derogatory meanings. In Nazi Germany, many Jews did not have Jewish names so they were forced to take Israel for men, Sarah for women, to identify themselves as Jewish.
The Israeli government encourages people to use Hebraicised names but many surnames still retain Germanic or Slavonic forms.
Aharoni | Barak | Bashevis | Ben Zeev | Ben-Shahar | Berkovic |
Blomstein | Bruck | Chertok | Cohen | Datz | Dayan |
Demsky | Dobias | Eshel | Eshkol | Federman | Feinstein |
Gadi | Ganani | Golan | Goldberg | Goldman | Golembo |
Goni | Gottesman | Grossman | Haber | Hadar | Halevi |
Hamutal | Harel | Harpaz | Har-Zahav | Hefetz | Ish-Shalom |
Jakubowicz | Jerayesh | Kafni | Kantor | Kedar | Kempinski |
Kollek | Kostiner | Krickstein | Kuttab | Liberman | Lotner |
Machuv | Mandebaum | Mazar | Meir | Mendenhall | Nachum |
Oded | Ophir | Pazy | Peres | Persky | Pick |
Posner | Rabin | Ran | Reiss | Romach | Rosenbaum |
Rosenberg | Sayar | Segal | Shahar | Shameel | Sharett |
Shiloh | Shimshelewitz | Shkolnik | Shmerkin | Shoshan | Shulman |
Singer | Smashnova | Tzon | Uki | Weidenseld | Wiezman |
Yadin | Yakobovitch | Yedidyah | Zahavy |
Abraham | Abrams | Abramsky | Abramson | Adler | Aidallbery |
Almog | Alter | Altman | Altmann | Angel | Apfel |
Argov | Aronsfeld | Aronthal | Ascher | Asher | Auerbach |
Bach | Backer | Baeck | Bakstansky | Baline | Ballin |
Bamberger | Barak | Barnato | Basch | Bash | Basin |
Baskin | Baum | Baumberger | Bayme | Beck | Becker |
Beer | Beit | Benisch | Benski | Berlin | Berlinger |
Bettman | Bezalel | Bloom | Blum | Blumenfeld | Bomberg |
Borach | Braff | Brann | Brasch | Brenner | Breuer |
Brodetsky | Büchler | Cantor | Cassel | Chagall | Cohen |
Cowen | Daiches | Danielovitch | Davidson | de Worms | Deronda |
Deutsch | Diamond | Dienesman | d'Israeli | Dresner | Dreyfuss |
Duchan | Duchen | Duchin | Dukes | Eban | Ehrenburg |
Einhorn | Einstein | Eisen | Emanuel | Endelman | Epstein |
Erlich | Farber | Fersht | Fiedler | Filipowski | Finestein |
Fishman | Fleischer | Fleischmann | Fraenkel | Frank | Frankau |
Frankel | Frankfurter | Franklin | Friedlander | Friedman | Garbacz |
Garfinkle | Gartner | Gaster | Geiger | Gerber | Gerlis |
Gertler | Gestetner | Ginsberg | Gluckstein | Gold | Goldberg |
Goldbloom | Goldschmidt | Goldsmid | Gollancz | Goodman | Gottesdiener |
Gould | Goulston | Graetz | Greenberg | Gretz | Grois |
Gross | Grossman | Grunwald | Halevy | Hart | Hartog |
Heilbron | Henriques | Hershon | Herzl | Hillman | Hirschell |
Hirst | Hodesmann | Homa | Horovitz | Horowitz | Hurwitz |
Hyamson | Isaac | Isaacs | Isaacson | Isaaman | Iskowitch |
Itzik | Jacob | Jacobovits | Jacobowitz | Jacobs | Jacobsen |
Jacobson | Janner | Jessel | Josephs | Jung | Kadish |
Kagan | Kahan | Kahn | Kalish | Kantor | Kantorowitsch |
Kaplan | Katz | Kershen | Kobler | Kohnstamm | Kölmel |
Kosmin | Kramer | Kraushaar | Krausz | Lachman | Lahrheim |
Landau | Landeshut | Lasker | Laski | Latchman | Lawson |
Lebzelter | Lehmann | Lehrer | Lerner | Levenberg | Leverson |
Levi | Levin | Levine | Levinson | Levinstein | Levitch |
Levitt | Levy | Lichtman | Lieberman | Liebermann | Lipman |
Littauer | Livshin | Loewe | Löwy | Lyons | Maccoby |
Malbim | Manis | Manischewitz | Mankowitz | Mannes | Margolin |
Margolis | Marks | Mattuck | Matz | Maxse | Meir |
Meldola | Mendel | Mendelson | Meninsky | Merton | Metz |
Mocatta | Monash | Mond | Montagu | Montefiore | Morgenthau |
Moses | Mowshowitch | Munk | Myer | Myers | Nenbauer |
Neuberger | Neumegen | Novokovichi | Paliakov | Perlman | Pinero |
Pinsker | Pinsky | Piratin | Pirbright | Poliakov | Pollack |
Prag | Prais | Rabbinowitz | Rabinowicz | Reinhartz | Reinharz |
Resnick | Reuben | Rivkin | Rocker | Rose | Rosen |
Rosenberg | Rosenstein | Rosenthal | Roth | Rothenstein | Rothschild |
Rothstein | Rubin | Rubinstein | Sachar | Sacher | Salbstein |
Salomons | Saltman | Saltzmann | Samuel | Samuels | Sandler |
Sarasohn | Sarkin | Sarlin | Sassoon | Schach | Schalit |
Schapiro | Schechter | Schecter | Schiff | Schiller | Schlesinger |
Schmool | Schneider | Schonfeld | Schuster | Schwab | Sebag |
Segal | Semon | Shalit | Shapiro | Sharot | Sherman |
Shimoni | Shine | Shub | Sieff | Singer | Sklare |
Somper | Speyer | Spiegel | Spiro | Starkman | Stein |
Steinberg | Steiner | Stephany | Stern | Sternberg | Stiebel |
Straus | Susser | Sutro | Sylvester | Szinessy | Theodores |
Trachtenberg | Twersky | Ussishkin | Vinchevsky | Waley | Wallach |
Wandsworth | Wassermann | Watterman | Weber | Wechsler | Weil |
Weizman | Weizmann | Wiener | Wigram | Wirth | Wolf |
Wolmark | Woolf | Yoelsen | Yoffey | Zalkind | Zangwill |
Zedner | Zeiman | Zoegell | Zundel |
Chicherin | Kabotinsky | Levinsky | Levitansky | Levitsky | Litvinov |
Matusevitch | Okin | Okun | Pekarsky | Pomerantz | Segalowitch |
Sharansky | Sokolov | Trumpelder | Tschkenow | Zlato |
Eisner | Feldshuh | Gryn | Helfgott | Kupner | Luxemburg |
Mayer | Mohilewer | Poupko | Silberstein | Spector | Spiro |
Spitzer |
Balsam | Duzy | Grajek | Kandelcukier | Liss | Wakstok |
This collection of names compiled by Kate Monk. Copyright January 1997, Kate Monk. Last updated July, 98. Copies may be made for personal use only.