Kate Monk's Onomastikon

(Dictionary of Names)

Daily Life

Similarly to saints who are patrons of certain occupations, these associations usually develop from events in the saints' lives or even sayings ascribed to them, such as John the Baptist who said that he had been 'sent to make straight the way of the Lord' and is thus connected with motorways.

Accused (Falsely) Raymund
Animals Francis of Assisi
Babies the Holy Innocents
Brides/unmarried women Nicholas of Bari
Children (illegitimate) John Francis Regis
Children Nicholas of Bari
Crops Magnus of Fussen
Disasters Genevieve
Drought/Storms Cathal (Cathald)
Earthquakes Emygdius
Examinations Joseph of Cupertino
Harvests Antony of Padua
House hunting Joseph
Hunting Hubert
Infertility Rita of Cascia
Lost articles Antony of Padua
Lost Causes Jude
Lovers Valentine
Marriages (unhappy) Gengulf
Motherhood Nicholas of Tolentino
Motorways John the Baptist
Neighbourhood Watch Sebastian
Old People Teresa of Jornet e Ibars
Orphans Jerome Emiliani
Pets, pigs Antony the Abbot/of Egypt
Race relations Peter Claver
Savings Banks Anthony Claret
Skiers Our Lady of Graces, Bernard
Social Justice Martin of Porres
Television Clare
Theft Dismas
Travellers Christopher

This collection of names was compiled by Kate Monk and is ©1997, Kate Monk.

Copies may be made for personal use only.

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