Arete or Wisdom?
01 February 2025
This month, Mike and Roger talk about game adaptations that have
failed, or indeed that never got a chance to fail.
Picaresque With Tentacles
01 May 2024
This month, Mike and Roger consider our experiences with Enemy in
Shadows , the first part of the classic Warhammer campaign, and look
at the second edition of Reign .
Determinedly Cheerful Or Just Obtuse
01 March 2023
This month, Mike and Roger ask what makes a hero, and look into the
benefits and drawbacks of doing character generation as a group.
People's Bad Dreams, Gamified
01 April 2021
This month, Roger and Mike celebrate episode 100.
A Favour You Can Pick Up And Load
01 March 2021
This month, Mike and Roger regret a failed campaign, do each other
favours, and contemplate the role of the trap in a modern game.
Agonised about AGON
01 December 2020
This month, Roger and Mike talk about what they're up to and how
on-line conventions are working for them, discuss GM nerves, and talk
about how they choose a setting .
She Had Her Teeth in Boris Johnson
01 November 2020
This month, Mike and Roger look at the Dracula Dossier, do RPG-a-Day
only a few months late, and generate another Ars Magica character.
A Large Tick in my Book of Vengeance
01 October 2020
This month, Roger and Mike generate a character for Ars Magica , and
worry about not fitting into the campaign.
Being Disgusting From the Beginning
01 September 2020 - 4 comments
This month, Mike and Roger poke further into Ars Magica , wonder what
you should simulate, and try to make school stories enjoyable.
They'll Lie To Me - They're British
01 August 2020
This month, Roger and Mike look at the Yellow King Roleplaying Game ,
worry about being the only one who has a problem with this, and
consider an Ars Magica play-by-forum game.
In 1895? I Don’t Think So!
01 March 2020
This month, Mike and Roger are ill, look at paperless play and finish
off our play of The Fathomless Sleep
Dogs Have a Nyarlathotep?
01 October 2019
This month, Roger and Mike consider gaming as animals, and the Good
Council of Guilds and Disgustingly Rich People
01 July 2019
This month, Mike and Roger get into character, and look at the
differences between Fantasyland and mediaeval Europe.
Gooshy Stuff
01 February 2019 - 4 comments
This month, Roger and Mike feel burned out, consider the fun of being
evil, and try to work out how to get better at GMing.
Deceleration Trauma is Not Your Friend
01 July 2018
This month, Mike and Roger indulge in crass commercialism, consider players who don't turn up reliably, look at high-powered games and how to keep them interesting, and delve into the pulps and what gaming can learn from them.
Let's Not Become Blasphemous This Early
01 April 2017 - 13 comments
This month, Roger and Mike talk about the core concepts of magic, and
distinguishing personality from backstory in character generation.
With spoilers for Dennis Wheatley's The Ka of Gifford Hillary and
Larry Niven's The Magic Goes Away .
God Says No Backsies
01 August 2016 - 2 comments
This month, Roger and Mike consider inappropriate laughter,
player-driven world-changing, training, the tension of paradigms, and
temptation. (Yes, it's longer than usual.)
Random Political Shenanigans Generation Table
01 March 2016 - 3 comments
This month, Mike and Roger look at politics, and particularly how to
bring political elements into games.
You have specialised tastes, sir!
01 September 2014 - 5 comments
This month, Mike and Roger answer David F. Chapman's
RPG a Day
questions, and consider GMing advice.