Generally Earth is at TL10 with no superscience (the cardinal exception being the warp drive).
There is no sapient AI, though there are systems which can act sufficiently human to pass a Turing test in the short term. Sufficiently intelligent AIs have a nasty habit of ceasing to function after a few minutes or hours of consciousness, apparently voluntarily, and why this should be is a topic of ongoing research.
Computers can and do respond to voice commands, but these have to be phrased carefully to avoid misunderstandings or requests for clarification. (In Ultra-Tech terms, this is Weak Dedicated AI, just barely edging into Non-Volitional.)
Cyberswarms are in heavy use, generally running on power cells or broadcast power, but are very often controlled live by a human.
The standard pressure suit for surface expeditions is the Smart or
Nanoweave Vacc Suit. Damage control personnel have Space
Armor available. For normal shipboard wear, a Skinsuit is worn under
other garments, with bubble helmets kept available. All except the
Skinsuit are equipped with biomedical sensors.