As the various permutations produced a large number of different names, few duplications would have occurred in a particular settlement. Surnames were not necessary for identification purposes although bynames were sometimes used. It was also considered that a name contained a person's spirit and using it for a new-born child could drain that spirit from him. Although there was no inherited surname, some families (usually aristocratic) were identified by collective name taken from a famous forebear such as the Athelings, Gumeningas, Besingas, Baducings, Guthlacingas, the final '-ing' element signifying 'people of'.
Old English and variants | Modern English |
Alf, aelf, alfr | elf |
Aethel, al, adal, ayl, ethel | noble |
Ard | hard |
Beald, bald | bold |
Bard | beard |
Bed | command |
Bert, beraht, beorht, bright | bright, famous |
Brun | brown |
Burh, bur, burg, borrow | fortress |
Cwen, quen | woman? |
Dar | dear |
Ed, ead | prosperity, fortune |
Eald, ald | old |
Est, east | grace? |
Flead, fled | beauty |
Frea, fre, frew | free |
Frith | peace |
Gar, ger | spear |
God | good |
Here, her, heri | army? |
Hug, hugu | heart, mind, spirit |
Hild | battle |
Ken | bold, royal |
Lam | land |
Lea, liffe leof, lef, leav, lew, life, liff, loe | beloved, dear |
Lee, ley, leah | clearing, wood |
Lilley, lili | little |
Lit | bright |
May | servant |
Maer, mar, mer, more | fame |
Mil | mild/gentle |
Mund, munt | peace, protection |
Os | god |
Rad, red, raed, rath | counsel, wisdom |
Ric, rich | power, ruler |
Rod, hrud, hreod | fame |
Sig, sieg | victory |
Stan, ston | stone |
Trum, trun | strong? |
Ulf, ulfr, olf, olph, wulf | wolf |
Wald, walt | rule |
Ward, weard, wart | guard |
What | brave |
Whit | elf, wight |
Wig | war |
Win, wine, wyn | friend |
Yon, yong | young |
Acwald | Acwuld | Acwulf |
Adalbert | Adelard | Adulf |
Aedbald | Aedilbert | Aedilhum |
Aedilhun | Aednoth | Aedwulf |
Aefic | Aegelric | Aegenwulf |
Aegheard | Aelbehrt | Aelbert |
Aelffrith | Aelfgar | Aelfgeat |
Aelfgiest | Aelfheah | Aelfhelm |
Aelfhere | Aelfhun | Aelfmaer |
Aelfnoth | Aelfred | Aelfric |
Aelfsi | Aelfsige | Aelfstan |
Aelfwald | Aelfwaru | Aelfwear |
Aelfweard | Aelfwin | Aelfwine |
Aelfwold | Aelred | Aelwin |
Aembriht | Aenheri | Aescwig |
Aescwine | Aethelbald | Aethelbehrt |
Aethelbeorht | Aethelbert | Aethelbricht |
Aetheldred | Aethelfrid | Aethelfrith |
Aethelgar | Aethelhard | Aethelheah |
Aethelheard | Aethelhelm | Aethelhere |
Aethelhun | Aethelmaer | Aethelmod |
Aethelmund | Aethelnoth | Aethelred |
Aethelric | Aethelsige | Aethelstan |
Aethelulf | Aethelwald | Aethelwalh |
Aethelweah | Aethelweald | Aethelweard |
Aethelwig | Aethelwin | Aethelwine |
Aethelwold | Aethelwulf | Aethilheard |
Aethilwald | Agilbert | Ahlfrith |
Ailmar | Ailnoth | Ailred |
Ailwin | Albold | Alcfrith |
Alchere | Alchfrid | Alchfrith |
Alchred | Alcred | Alcuin |
Alden | Aldfrid | Aldfrith |
Aldhelm | Aldhere | Aldhun |
Aldred | Aldwulf | Aldwyn |
Alfar | Alfgar | Alfric |
Alfwaerd | Alfwine | Alfwold |
Algar | Alhfrith | Alhhere |
Alhmund | Alhstan | Alhwald |
Alkmund | Allnut | Allric |
Alnod | Alnoth | Aloc |
Alphege | Alred | Alric |
Aluuard | Alward | Alwin |
Alwold | Alwyn | Alwyne |
Andhere | Andhun | Angeltheow |
Angenlaf | Angenmaer | Angenwit |
Anlaf | Anselm | Ansfrid |
Archibald | Arnulf | Ascferth |
Aschere | Ashwin | Asulf |
Athelheah | Athelmod | Athelric |
Aylward | Aylwin | Badanoth |
Badulf | Baegloc | Baeldaeg |
Baerbald | Baerwald | Baldhere |
Baldred | Baldric | Baldthryth |
Baldwin | Baldwine | Baldwulf |
Balther | Bardolph | Barduwulf |
Beadumund | Beadured | Beaduric |
Beadwheard | Beagmund | Beagnoth |
Bealdwine | Beanburh | Beanstan |
Bedfrith | Bedgeat | Bedhelm |
Bedric | Bedwig | Behrtferth |
Behrtwald | Beorcol | Beorhtel |
Beorhtfrith | Beorhthelm | Beorhthere |
Beorhtmaer | Beorhtmund | Beorhtnoth |
Beorhtric | Beorhtsige | Beorhtstan |
Beorhtweald | Beorhtwig | Beorhtwulf |
Beornfred | Beornfrith | Beornheard |
Beornhelm | Beornmod | Beornmund |
Beornnoth | Beornoth | Beornred |
Beornric | Beornstan | Beornwald |
Beornward | Beornwulf | Beorthelm |
Beorthmaer | Beorthwulf | Beorward |
Beothuk | Beowulf | Bercthun |
Berenwald | Berhtric | Berhtwald |
Berhtwulf | Beric | Berihert |
Bermund | Bernulf | Bernwini |
Berthelm | Berthun | Bertram |
Bertred | Bertulf | Bertwald |
Berwulf | Berwyn | Bilfrith |
Bilheard | Billfrid | Billfrith |
Birstan | Blacwin | Blaecman |
Blithhere | Blithweard | Bothelm |
Botolph | Botsige | Botulf |
Botwine | Botwulf | Bregowine |
Brictric | Bridferth | Brifard |
Brihteah | Brihthere | Brihtnoth |
Brihtsige | Brihtwald | Brithnoth |
Brithun | Brocwulf | Brunheard |
Bruning | Brunloc | Brunweard |
Brunwulf | Brychan | Bryning |
Brynstan | Burchard | Burghal |
Burgheard | Burghelm | Burghred |
Burgred | Burgweard | Burgwine |
Burgwulf | Burhhelm | Burhred |
Burhtred | Byrhtferth | Byrhtnoth |
Byrnhorn | Byrnstan | Byrnwold |
Byrtferth | Caedmon | Caedwalla |
Calemund | Calunoth | Cameleac |
Cantwine | Carileph | Cathwulf |
Ceadwalla | Ceadwealla | Ceafor |
Ceawlin | Cenbeorht | Cenberet |
Cenfirth | Cenfrith | Cenfus |
Cenhelm | Cenhere | Cenred |
Centweald | Centwine | Cenwalch |
Cenwalh | Cenwulf | Ceolbald |
Ceolbeald | Ceolfrid | Ceolfrih |
Ceolfrith | Ceolheard | Ceolhelm |
Ceolhere | Ceolmaer | Ceolmund |
Ceolnoth | Ceolred | Ceolswith |
Ceolwald | Ceolweald | Ceolweard |
Ceolwulf | Ceonred | Ceowald |
Cerdic | Ceredig | Clarembald |
Coelfrid | Coenbehrt | Coengilsus |
Coenhelm | Coenred | Coenwalh |
Coenwulf | Coleman | Colman |
Condede | Conewalch | Cuichelm |
Cuthbald | Cuthbeorht | Cuthbert |
Cuthburg | Cutheard | Cuthen |
Cuthert | Cuthfrith | Cuthgils |
Cuthheard | Cuthhelm | Cuthhere |
Cuthman | Cuthred | Cuthsige |
Cuthwin | Cuthwine | Cuthwulf |
Cwenburg | Cwichelm | Cynebald |
Cynebehrt | Cynebil | Cyneburg |
Cynefrid | Cynegels | Cynegils |
Cynegisl | Cyneheah | Cyneheard |
Cynehelm | Cynehere | Cynelaf |
Cynemaer | Cynemund | Cynered |
Cynesige | Cynestan | Cyneswith |
Cynewald | Cyneweard | Cynewulf |
Cynferth | Cynfrith | Cynhelm |
Cynibert | Cynidr | Cynred |
Cynreow | Cynric | Cynsige |
Cynwulf | Daedheah | Daegheard |
Darwin | Delwyn | Deneheard |
Denewulf | Deorlaf | Deorling |
Deormod | Deormund | Deornoth |
Deorsige | Deorwine | Deowuc |
Derman | Digoth | Domgeat |
Dreamwulf | Drithelm | Dryhthelm |
Drythelm | Duceman | Dudemaer |
Dudeman | Dunnere | Dunstan |
Dycgbeorht | Eadbald | Eadbeald |
Eadbehrt | Eadbeorht | Eadbert |
Eadda | Eadfrid | Eadfrith |
Eadger | Eadheard | Eadhed |
Eadhelm | Eadhere | Eadlac |
Eadmaer | Eadmer | Eadmod |
Eadmund | Eadnod | Eadnoth |
Eadred | Eadric | Eadsige |
Eadstan | Eadulf | Eadwacer |
Eadwald | Eadward | Eadweald |
Eadweard | Eadwig | Eadwin |
Eadwine | Eadwold | Eadwulf |
Eadwyn | Eahfrid | Ealda |
Ealdbehrt | Ealdbeorht | Ealdfrith |
Ealdhelm | Ealdhere | Ealdred |
Ealdwine | Ealdwulf | Ealfled |
Ealgmund | Ealhelm | Ealhheard |
Ealhhere | Ealhhun | Ealhmund |
Ealhred | Ealhsige | Ealhstan |
Ealhswith | Ealric | Eambald |
Eanbald | Eanbeorht | Eanfrid |
Eanfrith | Eanhere | Eanlac |
Eanmaer | Eanred | Eansige |
Eanulf | Eanwine | Eanwulf |
Earcanwald | Earconbehrt | Earconbert |
Eardnoth | Eardwul | Eardwulf |
Earnmund | Earnwulf | Earpwald |
Easterwine | Eastorwine | Ebrard |
Ecgbald | Ecgbehrt | Ecgbert |
Ecgfrith | Ecgheard | Ecghere |
Ecgmund | Ecgred | Ecgric |
Ecgtheow | Ecgwald | Ecgwine |
Ecgwulf | Edric | Edward |
Edwy | Eegelwin | Egbert |
Egbin | Egbryht | Egelbert |
Egelwin | Egferth | Egfrid |
Egfrith | Egred | Egric |
Egwine | Eilmund | Einhard |
Ekbert | Ekkehard | Elfstan |
Elphege | Elstan | Eluard |
Eluric | Elwin | Elwyn |
Engelard | Engelram | Eoforheard |
Eoforich | Eoforweald | Eohhere |
Eohric | Eomer | Eorcenbehrt |
Eorconbeald | Eorconbehrt | Eorconweald |
Eored | Eorkonweald | Eormenraed |
Eormenread | Eorphere | Eorpwald |
Eosterwine | Erconbert | Eric |
Ermenred | Erminus | Ernulf |
Erwald | Erwin | Esegar |
Estmar | Estmund | Ethbin |
Ethelred | Ethelric | Ethelsige |
Eumer | Everard | Ewald |
Eward | Ewias | Farman |
Feleogild | Felgild | Feologild |
Feolomaer | Feolugeld | Feolumaer |
Flodwig | Folcheorht | Fordwin |
Forthhere | Forthred | Forwin |
Frealaf | Freawine | Fremund |
Freodhoric | Freola | Freomund |
Freothul | Freothulaf | Frigedag |
Frithebert | Frithegod | Frithestan |
Frithowulf | Frithugar | Frithugeorn |
Frithugis | Frithulaf | Frithuwald |
Fromund | Fulbert | Fullofaudes |
Gaenbald | Gaenbeald | Gaenburh |
Gaerwulf | Ganulf | Garbeorht |
Garmund | Gebmund | Geldfrith |
Geldhere | Geldwine | Gerbert |
Germund | Gernebern | Gladwin |
Gleawfrith | Godbert | Godefrid |
Godfred | Godfrid | Godfrith |
Godhelm | Godhere | Godhold |
Goding | Godmaer | Godman |
Godmann | Godmund | Godred |
Godric | Godwald | Godwin |
Godwine | Godwulf | Godwyn |
Goldwin | Goldwine | Goodwin |
Gosbeorht | Gosfrid | Graham |
Grimbald | Grimbeald | Grimcytel |
Grimwold | Gudram | Gumbeorht |
Gumweald | Gundulf | Gunuert |
Guthfrith | Guthhere | Guthlac |
Guthlaf | Guthmaer | Guthred |
Haeferic | Haemgils | Haemgisl |
Haethbeorht | Harding | Hardred |
Hardulph | Hardwin | Harhold |
Hariulf | Harold | Hathcyn |
Hathweald | Heahfrith | Heahhbeorht |
Heahmund | Heahred | Heahstan |
Healfdene | Heardbehrt | Heardinc |
Heardred | Heardwulf | Heferth |
Helmhead | Helmheard | Helpric |
Hengest | Heorrenda | Heorstan |
Heorulaf | Heorulf | Heorured |
Heoruweald | Heoruwulf | Herbert |
Herebeald | Herebeard | Herebehrt |
Herebeorht | Herebert | Hereferth |
Herefrid | Herefrith | Heregeard |
Heregeorn | Heregils | Heregod |
Herelaf | Hereman | Heremod |
Herered | Hereric | Hereward |
Hereweald | Herewulf | Heribert |
Heriburg | Herimann | Hering |
Herrig | Herward | Hethin |
Hethor | Hewald | Hibald |
Higbald | Hildebeorht | Hildwulf |
Hincmar | Hiroc | Hleogar |
Hlothere | Hlothhere | Holbert |
Hondscio | Horik | Hothere |
Hreodbeorht | Hrethbeorht | Hrethric |
Hringhere | Hrothbeorht | Hrothgar |
Hrothlaf | Hrothmaer | Hrothsige |
Hrothwulf | Huaetberct | Hubert |
Hughoc | Humbeald | Humbert |
Humberth | Hunbald | Hunbeald |
Hunbehrt | Hunbeorht | Hundine |
Hunferth | Hunfirth | Hunfrith |
Hunlaf | Hunsige | Hunstan |
Hunwald | Hwaetbert | Hwaetmund |
Hwaetsige | Hwitmann | Hybald |
Hygbald | Hygebald | Hygebehrt |
Hygebeorht | Hygelac | Hygered |
Hylpric | Hynsige | Hythwalda |
Iaenbeorht | Idhelm | Idmaer |
Ielfgar | Ielfred | Iestyn |
Ilfred | Ilhelm | Indulf |
Ingeld | Ingilram | Inguburh |
Ingulf | Ingulph | Ingwald |
Ingweald | Ingwulf | Instio |
Inwaer | Irminric | Itermon |
Ithamar | Jaenbeorht | Jaenbert |
Jambert | Jaruman | Jurmin |
Kenelm | Kennald | Kenward |
Lambert | Lambin | Lanfranc |
Leavold | Leodbriht | Leodhere |
Leodwald | Leofard | Leofgeat |
Leofgiest | Leofheah | Leofhere |
Leofing | Leofnoth | Leofred |
Leofric | Leofsige | Leofstan |
Leofwig | Leofwine | Leovenath |
Letard | Leuthere? | Liliwin |
Lindhard | Litwin | Liudolf |
Lulling | Madulf | Maegenfrith |
Maerec | Maerheard | Maerleswein |
Maethelgar | Maldred | Mansige |
Mearcred | Medwin | Mensige |
Merchelm | Merefin | Merehwit |
Merewala | Merewald | Meriet |
Mervin | Mildred | Morcar |
Morkere | Norbert | Nordman |
Norman | Northman | Nothelm |
Nothhelm | Nothwulf | Odalric |
Odard | Odbehrt | Odoacer |
Oelfwine | Oeric | Oethelwald |
Oftfor | Ohthere | Oidilwald |
Ongentheow | Ordbehrt | Ordgar |
Ordheah | Ordlaf | Ordmaer |
Ordric | Ormar | Orped |
Osbald | Osbeohrt | Osbeorn |
Osbryht | Oscytel | Osegod |
Osfrid | Osfrith | Osgar |
Osgood | Oshern | Oslac |
Oslaf | Oslafa | Osmaer |
Osmer | Osmod | Osmund |
Osred | Osric | Osulf |
Osweald | Oswin | Oswine |
Oswiu | Oswold | Oswudu |
Oswuff | Oswulf | Oswy |
Oswyn | Osyth | Oughtred |
Pechthelm | Pecthelm | Peohtgils |
Peohthelm | Peohtred | Peohtric |
Peohtwine | Pilheard | Plechelm |
Pleghelm | Plegmund | Radbod |
Raedfrid | Raedwulf | Raegenhere |
Ragener | Rahere | Randal |
Randwulf | Ranulf | Redwald |
Regenbald | Regengar | Regenhere |
Regenmaer | Regenweald | Reginald |
Regnheah | Regnhere | Rendel |
Ribald | Ricbert | Richeard |
Ricmaer | Ricmann | Ricsig |
Ricsige | Robert | Roderic |
Roderick | Rodney | Rodolph |
Roger | Romund | Rumbald |
Rumwald | Rumwold | Ryhrtwold |
Sabehrt | Sabeorht | Sabert |
Saebald | Saebehrt | Saebeorht |
Saefugl | Saegar | Saegeat |
Saeward | Saeweard | Saewig |
Saewine | Saewulf | Saward |
Sawin | Scenwulf | Scirheah |
Scirheard | Seaxwulf | Seeman |
Selewine | Selred | Selwyn |
Sentwine | Sexbald | Sexfred |
Sexhelm | Sexmund | Sexwulf |
Sibert | Sibwine | Sideman |
Siferth | Sigbert | Sigebald |
Sigebehrt | Sigebert | Sigebryht |
Sigeferth | Sigegar | Sigegeat |
Sigehaeth | Sigeheah | Sigehelm |
Sigehere | Sigelac | Sigered |
Sigeric | Sigeweard | Sigewine |
Sigewulf | Sighard | Sighere |
Sigstein | Sired | Siward |
Sledda | Snaroc | Sperling |
Stidolph | Stigand | Stithbeorht |
Stithwulf | Stronglic | Strongric |
Swaebhard | Swaefheard | Swartcol |
Swatreband | Sweartling | Swefred |
Swetman | Swidbert | Swidhelm |
Swithbert | Swithin | Swithulf |
Swithun | Swithwulf | Tancred |
Tatfrid | Tathere | Tating |
Tatuini | Tatwine | Tatwulf |
Teoweald | Teowulf | Thanchere |
Theabul | Theobald | Theodbald |
Theodbeald | Theodbeorht | Theodgar |
Theodlac | Theodoric | Theodric |
Theodulf | Thingfrith | Thorweald |
Thraesfrith | Thruidred | Thrydwulf |
Thrythbeorht | Thunor | Thurstan |
Tidfrith | Tidhelm | Tidhere |
Tidsige | Tidweald | Tidwulf |
Tilbert | Tilhere | Tilman |
Tilmund | Tilwald | Tondbehrt |
Tondbert | Tondhere | Torhtsige |
Torold | Torphin | Torthred |
Tostig | Trumbehrt | Trumhere |
Trumwin | Trumwine | Trygil |
Tunbehrt | Tunbeorht | Tunbert |
Tunfrith | Turbert | Turec |
Turoc | Turold | Turstan |
Uchtred | Ufegeat | Ulfbehrt |
Ulfcytel | Ulfric | Ulfrid |
Ulger | Unferth | Unlaf |
Unwona | Urien | Uscfrea |
Uxfrea | Vadir | Vifil |
Waegdaeg | Waegmund | Waegstan |
Waerbeald | Waerferth | Waerheard |
Waermund | Waernoth | Walahfrid |
Walden | Waldere | Waldhere |
Waldwin | Walhhere | Wallding |
Walstan | Wardlaw | Wardric |
Wathsige | Watman | Wayland |
Wealdhere | Wealdthaf | Wealdtheof |
Wealhhere | Weidrek | Weland |
Weohstan | Weohtgar | Weonard |
Weorcgyth | Weorchaeth | Werferth |
Werhard | Werheard | Wermund |
Werwulf | Westerfalca | Wicbeorht |
Wictgils | Wictred | Widmund |
Widreth | Widsith | Widuc |
Widukind | Wiergils | Wiermund |
Wigbeald | Wigbeorht | Wigbeorn |
Wigbert | Wigestan | Wigferth |
Wigfrith | Wighard | Wigheard |
Wighelm | Wighere | Wightgar |
Wiglac | Wiglaf | Wigmaer |
Wigmund | Wigod | Wigred |
Wigric | Wigstan | Wigthegn |
Wihtgar | Wihtgils | Wihthere |
Wihtlac | Wihtlaeg | Wihtred |
Wihtric | Wilbehrt | Wilbeorht |
Wilbrord | Wilfram | Wilfrith |
Wilgils | Wilgisl | Wilheard |
Wilhere | Willehad | Willibrord |
Wilmaer | Wilmund | Wilsiga |
Wilsige | Wimund | Winebald |
Winebeald | Winefrith | Winegar |
Winelac | Winemaer | Winfirth |
Winfrid | Winfrith | Winnibald |
Winsige | Winstan | Winston |
Wiohthere | Withergild | Withermund |
Wlencing | Wolfeius | Wolnoth |
Wolstan | Wraecwulf | Wuldric |
Wuldwine | Wulfbeald | Wulfestan |
Wulfferd | Wulffrith | Wulfgar |
Wulfgeat | Wulfhad | Wulfheah |
Wulfhelm | Wulfhere | Wulflaf |
Wulfnoth | Wulfred | Wulfric |
Wulfrid | Wulfrun | Wulfsige |
Wulfsin | Wulfstan | Wulfthere |
Wulfweard | Wulfwig | Wulgan |
Wulmar | Wulpher | Wuscfrea |
Wusfrea | Wyard | Wynbald |
Wynfrid | Wynfrith | Wynhaeth |
Wynsige | Wynstan | Yonwin |
Yric |
Adellufu | Adney | Aedilburh |
Aegthryth | Aelfgifu | Aelfgyth |
Aelflead | Aelfrun | Aelfthryth |
Aelfwyn | Aelfwynn | Aelgifu |
Aengifu | Aeschild | Aethelberga |
Aethelburh | Aethelgifu | Aethelhild |
Aethelhun | Aethelind | Aethelswith |
Aethelthrith | Aethelthryd | Aethelthryth |
Aethelu | Aethelwaru | Agenilda |
Akelda | Alburga | Alchflead |
Alchfrid | Aldreda | Alfild |
Alfilda | Alfrun | Alfwen |
Alhburg | Alkeld | Alkelda |
Aluburg | Aluhburg | Arild |
Athilda | Aylild | Aylyld |
Baldehuia | Baldeth | Baldethiva |
Baldguia | Baldhild | Baldith |
Balethiva | Balthildis | Bathild |
Beadohild | Beaduburg | Beaduthryth |
Bealdthryth | Begild | Begilda |
Beorhtwynn | Beornthryth | Beornwynn |
Berchthild | Bertrade | Beyhild |
Bilswith | Birghiva | Botild |
Botilda | Botill | Bregeswith |
Breguswith | Bricheve | Brichheve |
Brichterith | Brichtled | Brichtrede |
Brichtrethe | Bricteva | Bricthiua |
Bricthled | Brictiua | Brictiva |
Brictled | Brictuia | Brictwen |
Brigthwyna | Brihctiua | Brihteue |
Brihtgiua | Brihtiua | Brihtiue |
Britheue | Britheva | Brithiva |
Brithreth | Brithrethe | Brithwen |
Burchwen | Burghwenna | Burgwenta |
Burgwynn | Burwena | Burwenna |
Cengifu | Ceolburh | Ceolfrith |
Ceolwynn | Coenberg | Coenburg |
Coenburga | Cuthburga | Cuthburh |
Cuthfleda | Cwenburg | Cwenburh |
Cwenthryth | Cyneburh | Cynedeall |
Cynehild | Cyneswith | Cynethryth |
Cynewise | Cyniburg | Cynwise |
Denegifu | Denegyth | Derehild |
Domneva | Eadburg | Eadburh |
Eadgifu | Eadgyfu | Eadild |
Eadwine | Eadwynn | Ealdgifu |
Ealdgyth | Ealhburg | Ealhhild |
Ealhswith | Ealhswuth | Eanburg |
Eanflaed | Eanflead | Eanfled |
Eanswida | Eanswith | Eanswitha |
Eanswyth | Eanwin | Earcongota |
Ecgwynn | Edild | Edilda |
Ediltrudis | Edoma | Edusa |
Edwen | Egefride | Einilda |
Elfilda | Elfswitha | Enfleda |
Engeled | Engeleis | Engeleisia |
Engelieth | Engelise | Eorcengota |
Eorcongota | Eormenburh | Eormengard |
Eormengyth | Eormenhild | Eormenhilde |
Ercongota | Erkengota | Ermenburga |
Ermenhilda | Estrid | Estrith |
Ethelhild | Eudelme | Everild |
Everildis | Freawaru | Frethesant |
Freware | Frigyth | Fritheswith |
Frithugyth | Frithuswith | Garwynn |
Gertrude | Gethwine | Godehese |
Godelina | Goderun | Godgifu |
Godgyth | Godlefe | Godrun |
Godwyna | Goldberga | Goldcorn |
Goldcorna | Goldeburga | Golderon |
Goldhen | Goldrun | Goldyna |
Guthild | Haunild | Heagyth |
Heahburg | Heahgyth | Heahthryth |
Heathuburg | Hehilde | Hendina |
Herburga | Hereburg | Heregyth |
Herelufu | Hereswith | Herewynn |
Hermynhild | Hildeburg | Hildeburh |
Hildelida | Hildelith | Hildilid |
Hiltrude | Hounild | Hounilda |
Hringwynn | Hrodwyn | Hrotsvitha |
Hugeburc | Hunburg | Juthwara |
Lefsued | Lefsuet | Leofgifu |
Leofrun | Leoftaet | Leofwaru |
Leofwynn | Maerwynn | Mildburh |
Mildgyth | Mildoina | Mildthryth |
Mindred | Modthryth | Osburga |
Osburh | Osgifu | Osgyth |
Oslafa | Osthryd | Osthryth |
Quendreda | Rafenild | Rimilda |
Rimilde | Ronilda | Roswitha |
Rowena | Saeburg | Saegifu |
Saethryd | Saethryth | Saewara |
Saewynn | Saxleue | Sexhuie |
Sidelufu | Sidwell | Sigegifu |
Somerhild | Somerild | Stanfleda |
Stanflede | Stangyth? | Stanhild |
Sunngifu | Sunnild | Theberga |
Thedlef | Thedware | Theorigitha |
Thurrieua | Tidhild | Tonild |
Tortgith | Tortgyth | Touild |
Touillda | Touilt | Turgiua |
Uuordgiue | Vluerona | Waerblith |
Waerburh | Waerhild | Wealhburh |
Wealhtheow | Wendreda | Wenfleda |
Wengeua | Wengewe | Wenyld |
Weynild | Wicthiue | Wictieue |
Wictiue | Wifrun | Wigburg |
Wigswith | Wihtburh | Wilcum |
Wilthryth | Winfred | Winfrith |
Witburh | Withburga | Wiuerona |
Wlanchild | Wlankild | Wlfrun |
Wrtheve | Wrthiue | Wuderoua |
Wulburg | Wulfgifu | Wulfhild |
Wulflead | Wulfrun | Wulfthryth |
Wulftrudis | Wulfwaru | Wulfwyn |
Wulfwynn | Wychtleth | Wyneue |
Wynflead | Wynyeue | Wyverun |
This collection of names was compiled by Kate Monk and is ©1997, Kate Monk.
Copies may be made for personal use only.