Kate Monk's Onomastikon

(Dictionary of Names)

Flemish Names of Celtic Origin

In medieval times, names taken from Arthurian legend became popular.


Given name and Variants Diminutives English form
Artur Tuur Aert Arthur
Helinus Hellin Hellequin Helain
Iwein Ywein Yweinkin Weynkin Yeuwain Uwain
Judocus Joos Jois Joes Joeskin Jossaert

Breton Joyce

Lanceloot Lanseloet Lanseloot   Lancelot
Merlijn Merlin   Merlin
Percevaal Persevaal Perchevael Perche Pertse Pertskin Percival
Tristram Tryestram Tristan Triestan Tram Trammekin Tristan
Vivien   Vivian
Winocus Wihenoc Winnoc  


Stanislaus Stanny Slavic


Isolde Ysalde Ysoeie Yzoeye Zoeye Zoeykin Zoeytkin Isolde/Iseult

This collection of names was compiled by Kate Monk and is ©1997, Kate Monk.

Copies may be made for personal use only.

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