Kate Monk's Onomastikon

(Dictionary of Names)

Saints - B

Saint Background Date Feast Day
Babolen Abbot of St.-Pierre-des-Fosses   26/02 (Translation 07/12)
Babylas/Basille + comps (Urban, Prilidian, Epolonius) Bishop of Antioch d c250 24/01
Bademus     10/04
Bacchus, Apuleius, Marcellus, Sergius Roman soldiers, martyrs, followers of Simon Magus C1st 07/10
Badilo Abbot of Leuze d870  
Badulfus Abbot of Ainay, Lyons d850 19/08
Baglan Wales C5th  
Bain/Bagne/Bagnus Bishop of Thérouanne d710 20/06
Baithin Abbot of Tiree & Iona d598 09/06
Balaam/Barlaam (Alexis) hermit on the Volga, Russia   06/11
Balaam/Barlaam martyr of Caesarea d c304 19/11
Balbina dau Quirinus, martyr in Rome d130 30/03
Balda Abbess in Jouarre, Meaux C7th 09/12
Baldegundis Abbess of Saint-Croix, Poitiers d580 10/02
Balderic/Balderie/Baundry Abbot of Montfaucon C7th 10/10 (16/10)
Baldomerus monk at Lyons d c650 27/02
Baldred Bishop of Glasgow after Kentigern C8th 06/03
Baldred/Balther + Bilfred/Bilfrith the Goldsmith hermits of Lindisfarne d756 06/03
Baldus     29/09
Baldus Bishop of Tours   07/11
Baldwin     08/01
Baldwin Abbot of San Pastore, Rieti d1140 15/07
Baldwin Archdeacon (León or Laon) d c680 16/10
Balin of Lindisfarne & Tuam, Ireland, brother of Gerald C7th 03/09
Balsemius     16/08
Balthasar de Torres, Blessed martyr of Japan d1626 20/06
Bandarid(us)/Banderik/Bandarinus/Bandery Bishop of Soissons d556 09/08 (01/08)
Banthus     31/07
Baomir     04/11
Baothghalach Ireland   05/10
Baptist     20/03
Baradat(es) hermit of Cyrrhus, Syria d c460 22/02
Barbara virgin martyr, Syria C3rd 04/12, 16/12 (Trans 08/07)
Barbashemin/Barbasymas + comps Bishop of Seleucia d346 14/01
Barbatian priest of Antioch & Rome C5th 31/12
Barbatus Bishop of Benevento d682 19/02
Bardo Archbishop of Mainz d1053 10/06
Barhadbesciabus     21/07
Barnabas the Apostle C1st 11/06
Barr/Barry/Finbar/Fin Barre/Loan Bishop of Cork d623 25/09
Barrfoin comp of Brendan & hermit of Killbaron C6th 21/05
Barry/Barric/Barrog/Barroq/Barnoc disciple of Cadoc & hermit, Barry Island C6th/7th 27/09
Barsab(i)as + comps Abbot, Persian martyr C4th 20/10
Barsabas Persian martyr d342 11/12
Barsamja/Barsimaeus Bishop of Odessa/Edessa d250 30/01
Barsanuphius hermit in Gaza d550 11/04 (06/02)
Bartholomew (Tostig) of Farne d 1193 24/06
Bartholomew     22/04
Bartholomew     23/08
Bartholomew Alvarez, Blessed Portuguese Jesuit, Japan d1737 12/01
Bartholomew Buonpedoni leper priest, Peccioli d1300 14/12
Bartholomew Gutierrez bMexico martyr in Japan 1538-1632 03/09
Bartholomew Laurel, Blessed bMexico, martyr in Japan 1622 17/08
Bartholomew Monfiore, Blessed martyr in Japan 1622 19/08
Bartholomew of Rossano founder of Grottaferrata d1050 11/11
Bartholomew Sheki, Blessed martyr of Japan d1619 27/11
Bartholomew Shikiemon comp of Charles Spinoza, Japan 1622 10/09
Bartholomew/Nathaniel Apostle C1st 24/08
Barthus Bishop of Vaison   06/10
Bartolomea Capitanio co-foundress, Italian Sisters of Charity 1807-36 26/07
Barypsebas/Barypsabas Dalmatia C1st 10/09
Basil + comps (Agathodorus, Elpidius, Ephraem, lftherius, Eugene, Arcadius, Capito + Nestor) Crimea & Cyprus C4th 04/03
Basil of Ancyra/Ankara, priest d362 22/03
Basil the Blessed     02/08
Basil the Great Bishop of Caesarea, son of Basil the Elder c330-79 02/01 Orth 28/02 (01/01 14/06, 31/12)
Basil the Younger Constantinople d952 26/03
Basil Bishop of Aix d475 01/01
Basil Bishop of Bologna d335 06/03
Basil Bishop of Ostrog   (Orth)
Basileus, Auxilius + Saturninus martyrs, Antioch   27/11
Basileus Bishop of Amasia, Pontus d319 26/04
Basilides + 23 comps (incl. Mandal + Tripos) martyrs, Rome d275 10/06
Basilides + comps (Cyrinus, Nabor + Nazarius) martyrs, Rome   12/06
Basilides martyr of Egypt, defender of St. Potomiana d205 30/06
Basiliscus Bishop of Comana in Pontus, martyr d312 22/05
Basilissa Abbess of Oehren, Trier d780 12/05
Basilla virgin martyr, Smyrna or Sirmium   29/08
Basilla/Basilissa virgin martyr, Rome   20/05 (03/09)
Basinus Bishop of Trier d c705 04/03
Basolus/Basle monk at Reims d620 26/11 (Translation 15/10)
Bassa + her sons (Theogonius, Agapius + Fidelis) martyrs in Edessa d304 21/08
Bassian(us) Bishop of Lodi, Lombardy d413 19/01
Bassus Bishop of Nice, martyr d250  
Bassus, Dionysius, Agapitus + 39 others martyrs at Heraclea   20/11
Bathild(is) wife of Clovis Il 630-80 30/01 (26/01)
Bathus, Wereka + comps Gothic martyrs d370 26/03
Baudelius martyr at Nîmes d297 20/05
Baumer     04/08
Bavo/Allowin of Ghent   01/10
Beacan/Bec(c)an Abbot of Kill-Beggan, Cork C6th 05/04
Beacan/Becan Hermit in Cork   26/04
Beacan Ireland   17/08
Beacan Ireland   17/03
Beacan Ireland   26/02
Beacan Munster C6th 26/05
Bean(us) Bishop/founder of Mortlach in Banff   26/10
Bearach/Berach/Barachias/Berachius Bishop of Cluain/Abbot of Cluain-Coirpte, Connaught C6th 15/02 (21/04, 10/06)
Bearchan Ireland   04/12
Bearchan Ireland   05/06
Bearchan Ireland   07/05
Bearchan Ireland   24/05
Bearchan Ireland   24/11
Beata     06/09
Beatrice (Brites) da Silva Meneses nun in Portugal 1424-90 01/09
Beatrice/Beatrix     10/05, 13/02, 18/08, 16/08
Beatus     01/09, 25/10, 26/07
Beatus of Lungern monk/hermit d112 09/05 (08/05)
Beatus of Vendome missionary in France C3rd 09/05
Beatus monk near Santander, Spain d798 19/02
Bede the Younger   10/04
Bede the Venerable 673-735 26/05, 29/10, 25/05, 27/05, (Enshrining at Durham 10/05)
Bega/Bee Ireland   06/09
Bega/Begu/Bee Abbess in Cumberland C7th 31/10
Begga wife of Pepin I C7th 17/12 (07/07)
Behrtwald     10/1
Beircheart Saxon settled in Cork d 839 06/12
Belina     19/02
Bellinus Bishop of Padua, martyr d1151 26/11
Benedict + comps (John, Matthew, Isaac + Christinus) Italian missionaries, Poland (The Five Polish Brothers) D 1005 12/11
Benedict     30/04
Benedict II Pope   07/05
Benedict XI Pope 1240-1304 07/07
Benedict Crispus Archbishop of Milan d725 11/03
Benedict Joseph Labre pilgrim 'the Beggar of Rome' 1748-83 16/04
Benedict of Aniane hermit d821 11/02
Benedict of Cagliari Bishop of Dolia, Sardinia d1112 17/02
Benedict of Campagna 'the hermit' d c550 23/03
Benedict of Macerac Abbot of Nantes, a Greek d845 22/10
Benedict hermit martyr, Szalka, Hungary d1012 01/05
Benedict Revelli Bishop of Albenga, Liguria d c900 12/02
Benedict Ricasoli     20/1
Benedict the Black/il Moro/the Moor Italy (b1526) 04/04 (03/04)
Benedict Abbot of Montecassino   11/07 (21/03, 08/10, 28/03 Orth 14/03, Vigil 20/03 Octave 29/03) Dedication of St. Benedict's Montecassino 01/10
Benedict Bishop of Angers d820 15/07
Benedict Bishop of Sebaste, later hermit at Poitiers d c454 23/10
Benedict/Bennet Biscop Abbot of Wearmouth c628-90, 12/01
Benedicta     17/08
Benedicta nun in Rome C6th 06/05
Benedicta virgin martyr, Laon, France   08/10
Benezet     14/04
Benignus     01/11 orig 02/11, 25/10, 26/04 (Translation at Glastonbury 27/06)
Benignus martyr, Todi in Umbria d c303 12/02
Benignus Abbot of Flay d725 20/03
Benignus Archbishop of Milan d c477 20/11
Benignus Bishop/martyr, Utrecht C6th 28/06
Benignus martyr   01/05
Benignus monk martyred by Tartars, Breslau C13th 20/06
Benignus/Benen Bishop of Armagh d c466 09/11
Benilde (Peter) Romancon Christian Brothers' School, Saugues 1805-62 13/08
Benildis martyr in Spain d853 15/06
Benjamin Martyr Persia d424 31/03
Benno Bishop of Meissen c1010-1106 16/06
Bentivoglia/o de Bonis     02/01
Benvenutus Scotivoli Bishop of Osimo d1282 22/03
Beoadh/Beatus/Aeodh Bishop of Ardcarne/Roscommon d518 08/03
Beoc/Bean(us)/Dabeoc/Mobeoc/Moboac Irish monk C5th/6th 16/11
Beoc/Beanus Abbot in Donegal   01/01
Beocca + 90 comps (incl Ethor, lledda + Torthred) Abbot of Chertsey martyred by Danes d870 10/04
Beornwald/Berenwald Bampton   21/12
Berarius Bishop of Le Mans d c680 17/10
Bercharius Moutier-on-Der d696 16/10
Berchtun Abbot of Beverley d733 24/09
Beregisius founder of St-Hubert Abbey d725 02/10
Berencardus monk at St. Papoul, Languedoc d1293 26/05
Berka Zdislava, Blessed Litomerici, Bavaria d1252 02/01
Berlinda/Berlindis/Bellaude hermitess at Meerbeke d702 03/02
Bernacus Wales   07/04
Bernadette (Marie-Bernarde Soubirous) Lourdes 1844-79 16/04 (18/02, France)
Bernadine of Fossa     26/03
Bernadino/us of Feltres   b1439 28/09
Bernard     27/08, 28/08
Bernard degli Uberti Bishop of Parma & cardinal d1133 04/12
Bernard Due priest/martyr, Vietnam 1755-1838 01/11
Bernard of Arce hermit C9th 14/10
Bernard of Bagnorea Bishop of Vulsia d800 20/10
Bernard of Calvo abbot & bishop in Spain d1243 24/10
Bernard of Capua Bishop of Carinola d1109 12/03
Bernard of Corleone     19/01
Bernard of Montjoux/ Aosta/Menthon   996-1081 28/05 (15/06)
Bernard Tolomei/Ptolemy   b1272 21/08
Bernard Valeara Bishop of Teramo d1122 19/12
Bernard     (Translation 14/11)
Bernard Abbot of Clairvaux 1090-1153 20/08
Bernard/Barnard Archbishop of Vienne d841 23/01
Bernardine     27/11
Bernardino/e of Siena   1380-1444 20/05
Bernardino/e Realino Jesuit in Lecce 1530-1616 02/07
Bernardinus     (Translation) 17/05
Berno Abbot of Cluny   13/01
Bernward of Utrecht Bishop of Hildesheim b960 20/11 (16/08)
Beronicus/Veronicus Syrian martyr, comp of Pelagia   19/10
Bertha Abbess of Avenay d680 01/05
Bertha Abbess of Blangy d725 04/07
Bertha Frankish princess, wife of Ethelbert of Kent d 612 24/03, 26/05
Bertha hermitess near Bingen   15/05
Bertha wife of King Gondebert   01/05
Berthaldus/Bertaud hermit in Ardennes d540 16/06
Bertham/Berthane/Berchan Bishop of Kirkwall Ferda-Leithe, 'Man of Two Countries' d840 06/04
Bertharius Abbot of Monte Cassino d884 22/10
Berthoald 5th Bishop of Cambrai Arras C7th 13/10
Berthold of Parma Monk d1111 21/10
Berthold Carmelite founder d1195 29/03
Bertilia Foundress & hermitess, Maroeuil, France d c687 03/01
Bertilia/Bertilla/Bertille Abbess of Chelles d c692/705 06/11
Bertilla Boscardin Virgin, Brendola, Italy 1888-1922 20/10
Bertin(us) of Sithiu   C7th 05/09 (23/12 Translation 15/07 or 16/07)
Bertivin     08/09
Bertoara Abbess of Notre-Dame-de-Sales, Bourges d c614 04/12
Bertran(d)/Bertram Bishop of LeMans d623 30/06 03/07 (Translation 06/06)
Bertrand Bishop of Comminges d1123 16/10 (02/05)
Bertrand/Bertram Abbot of Saint-Quentin C7th 24/01
Bertrand/Bertram, Blessed   C8th 06/09
Bertrand/Bertrichramnus Bishop of Aquilela d1350 06/06
Bertuin Abbot at Malonne in Namur, Belgium d c698 11/11
Bertulf/Bertulph Abbot of Bobbio d640 19/08
Bessarion/Vissarion desert father, Egypt C2nd 06/06 (orig 17/06)
Besse   C3rd 10/08
Betharius/Boetharius/Berhtarius Bishop of Chartres d623 02/08 (01/08)
Bettelin/Beccelin/Bertram Crowland C8th 09/09 (10/08)
Betto Bishop of Auxerre d918 24/02
Beuno/Bueno Abbot of Clyddog/Clynnog Fawr d c640 21/04 (12/04)
Bibiana virgin martyr, Rome C4th 02/12
Biblig see Publicus      
Bichor Persian martyr   22/04
Bieuzy martyr in Brittany C7th 24/11
Bilhild(is) Abbess of Altenmunster, Mainz d c710 27/11
Birillus Bishop of Catania C1st 21/03
Birinus Bishop of Dorchester, Apostle of Wessex d650 03/12 (Translation 04/09)
Birstan/Brinstan/Birnstan/Brynstan Bishop of Winchester d934 04/11
Biteus/Movean/Dabius Abbot of Inis-Coosery   22/07
Bitheus + Genocus Ireland   18/04
Bladus Bishop of the Isle of Man   03/07
Blaesilla widow, Rome c360-83 22/01
Blaise/Blase/Blasius Bishop of Sebaste, Armenia, martyr d316 03/02 (18/07)
Blaithmaic/Blaitmaic Abbot of Iona, martyred by Danes d823 15/01 (19/01)
Blanchart     11/03
Blandina virgin martyr, Rome C2nd 02/06
Blane/Blaan Bishop of Bute (Ceann-Garadh)   11/08
Blath/Flora virgin, St Bridget's, Kildare d523 29/01
Blidulf/Bladulph monk of Bobbio d c630 02/01
Blinlivet 25th Bishop of Vannes, Brittany C9th 7/11
Blitharius comp of Fursey C9th 11/06
Blitmund monk of Bobbio & Abbot of Leucone d c660 03/01
Boadin the Irishman, hermit in France   11/01
Boannus     01/01
Bobinus Bishop of Troyes d766 31/01
Bobo/Beuvon crusader & hermit d985 22/05
Bodagisil Abbot on the Meuse, Belgium d588 8/12
Bodfan monk Ahern in Caernarvon C7th 02/06
Bodo Bishop of Toul d c670 11/09
Boethian disciple of Fursey & martyr near Laon C7th 22/05
Boethius Bishop in Scotland   07/12
Bogumilus/Bogimilus/Theophilus Archbishop of Gnesen, Poland d1182 10/06
Bolcan/Olcan Bishop of Derkan/Derban, Ireland d840 20/02 (04/07)
Bolonia virgin martyr   16/10
Bona   c1156-1207 29/05
Bonaventure of Miako comp of Paul Miki, Japan d1597 06/02
Bonaventure of Potenza     26/10
Bonaventure Bishop of Albano, Rome & Cardinal 1221-74 15/07 (Translation 14/03)
Bond/Baldus Spanish hermit, Sens, France C7th 29/10
Bonfilus/Bonfilius Bishop of Foligno d1125 27/09
Boniface/Bruno of Querfurt   d1009 19/06
Boniface + comps martyrs of Trier d c287 05/10
Boniface Curitan Bishop of Ross d c660 14/03
Boniface I Pope d422 04/09
Boniface II Pope   25/10
Boniface IV Pope   25/05
Boniface of Mainz (Winfrith/Wynfrith) Apostle to Germany c675-754 05/06
Boniface of Savoy     14/07
Boniface Bishop of Ferentino C6th 14/03
Boniface Bishop of Lausanne d1265 19/02
Boniface martyr   13/05, 14/05
Bonitus Abbot of Monte Cassino d582 07/07
Bonitus/Bonet Bishop of Clermont C7th 15/01 (Translation 06/06)
Bononius Abbot of Lucedo, Piedmont d1026 30/08
Bonosus + Maximilian     21/08
Bonosus Bishop of Trier   17/02
Boris + Gleb     24/07
Boris-Michael the Baptiser Bulgaria d907 (Orth) 02/05
Bosa Bishop of York d705 09/03
Bosilus     08/07
Bossianus     01/09
Boswell/Boisil Abbot of Maelros/Melross/ Melrose d c661 23/02 (07/07, 23/01)
Botulph     09/03, 24/03
Botulph/Butulf (+ bro Adulph/Adolph/Adulf) Abbot of Ikanhoe, Boston C7th 17/06
Botvid/Botwid/Botuid Swedish martyr d1100 28/07
Bova + Doda   C7th 24/04
Bradan Bishop of Isle of Man   20/10
Bran Ireland   18/05
Brandan Irish monk in Gaul C5th 11/01
Brandan martyr   17/05
Brannoc(k) Abbot of Braunton   07/01 (26/06)
Branvalator/ Branwallader/Branwaladr Bishop of Jersey C6th (Translation to Milton Abbey) 19/01
Braulio Bishop of Saragossa d651 26/03
Breaca/Breague/Breque/Branca/Branka Irish virgin, Cornwall C5th/6th 04/06
Breanainn     01/11
Breanainn     01/12
Breanainn     08/05
Breanainn     08/12
Breanainn     09/01
Breanainn     13/12
Breanainn     27/07
Breanainn     27/11
Breanainn/Brendan Abbot of Birr d573 29/11
Breanainn/Brendan/Breandán the Navigator/ Voyager Abbot of Clonfert c 486-577/83 16/05 (Translation 13/06)
Breanainn/Brendan the Elder Abbot   15/05 16/05
Breasal Ireland   18/05
Breedon (f)     21/08
Bregwin(e)/Breguivine Archbishop of Canterbury d764 26/08
Bretannion Bishop of Tomi, Romania d380 25/01
Brettiva     11/01
Brian Lacey, Blessed martyr of London 1591 10/12
Briarch Irish abbot in Brittany d627 17/12
Briavel hermit, Gloucestershire   17/06
Brictius Bishop of Martola, near Spoleto d c312 09/07 (11/07)
Brictius/Britius/Brice Bishop of Tours d444 13/11
Bridget/Birgitta of Sweden   1303-73 23/07 (orig 08/10, Translation 28/05, Obitus 27/07)
Bridget/Brigid/Brid/Bride of Ireland Abbess of Kildare c450-525 01/02
Brighid     06/03
Brighid     09/03
Brighid     12/08
Brighid     21/05
Brighid     30/09
Brigid sister of Andrew, Abbot of Donatus, Fiesole C9th 01/02
Brigid/Briga virgin, Kilbride C6th 21/01
Brioc/Brieuc/Brioch/Breock/Brieux/Briocus/Briomaglus/Bryan the Traveller, Bishop in Brittany d510 01/05 (29/04, Reception 18/10)
Brit(h)win Abbot of Beverley d c733 15/05
Brithwald/Brihtwald/Berhtwald/Berthwald/Beretuald Archbishop of Canterbury d c731 09/01
Brithwald/Brihtwold Bishop of Ramsbury & Old Sarum d1045 22/01
Brito/Britonius Bishop of Trier d386 05/05
Brocard/Burchard Prior of Mt Carmel d1231 02/09
Brogan Abbot of Ross Tuirc, Ossory C7th 17/09
Bron Bishop of Cassel-lrra, Sligo d c511 08/06 (07/06)
Bronach(a ) Virgin of Glen-Seichis, Kilbroney   02/04
Brothen Wales   18/10
Bruno     17/05
Bruno Seronkuma Martyr of Uganda d1885 03/06
Bruno Abbot of Chartreuse 1030-1101 06/10
Bruno Bishop of Segni 1049-1123 18/07
Bruno Bishop of Würzburg d1045 27/05 (06/10)
Bruno priest   06/10
Bruno son of Henry the Fowler & Archbishop of Cologne   11/10
Brychan King of Brycheiniog/Brecknock (legendary)   06/04
Brynach Irish founder of Nevern/Nefyn, Wales C6th  
Brynoth/Brinolph Bishop of Scara/Skara, Sweden d1317 09/05 (06/02, 16/08)
Budoc/Buddoc/Budeux/Beuzec Bishop of Dol C6th/7th 09/12
Buonfiglio Monaldo one of Seven Holy Founders of the Servites d1256 12/02
Burchard/Burkard Bishop of Würzburg d c754 14/10 (11/10, 18/10)
Buriana/Burian/Buryan Irish missionary & hermitess, Cornwall C6th 04/06 (29/05)

This collection of names was compiled by Kate Monk and is ©1997, Kate Monk.

Copies may be made for personal use only.

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