You Can Do Awesome Stuff Right Now
This month, Roger and Mike consider Dragonmeet and games that aren't RPGs, look back at Tékumel, consider what's different about modern games, and contemplate seasonal adventures.
We talked about
Dragonmeet ,
Ogre ,
Hillfolk ,
GURPS Zombies ,
Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff ,
Unofficial Torg Dice ,
Guillotine ,
Arkham Horror ,
Betrayal at House on the Hill ,
Shadows over Camelot ,
Battlestar Galactica ,
The Resistance ,
Dark Cults ,
How to Host a Murder ,
Dead of Winter ,
Tékumel ,
Reign ,
Middle Earth Role-Playing ,
The One Ring ,
Tita's House of Games ,
Worlds of Wonder ,
Dallas: The Television Role-Playing Game ,
GURPS Power-Ups 5 ,
Roger's one-shot Zombie Apocalypse game ,
Chaosium (Call of Cthulhu 7th edition) ,
Slabtown Games ,
Viewscream ,
The Laundry RPG and
the Laundry Christmas story . Music by Kevin MacLeod at, except for
Tambores y Danza Azteca I by trucha1618xx (CC-BY) and and God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen (trad.): This recording made in 1917 for Edison Records .
Comments On This Entry
Jeff Berry
Submitted at 11:07:29 on 28 June 2014
I really enjoyed your comments on Tekumel and Tekumel gaming! I played with the Professor for the better part of fifteen years - I was one of the founders of the original Thursday Night Group - and we never played in his world in the way you descrbe; yes, there were languages, but they never got in the way of the story.
I think what you describe is what's the barrier to people starting out in the Tekumel world-setting - the perceived 'need to get it right'. Im my time, I didn;t see that with phil, nor with Gary and Dave when I played with them. Ask Old Geezer; he can tell you too... :)
yours, jeff
7th sea ,
a taste for murder ,
aces and eights ,
achtung cthulhu ,
amazing engine ,
amber ,
apocalypse world ,
arkham horror ,
ars magica ,
artesia ,
ashen stars ,
banestorm ,
battlelords of the 23rd century ,
battlelords of the twenty-third century ,
battletech ,
behind enemy lines ,
blue planet ,
brp ,
buffy the vampire slayer ,
cabal ,
call of cthulhu ,
castle falkenstein ,
chill ,
conan ,
continuum ,
cyberpunk ,
dark conspiracy ,
diaspora ,
different worlds ,
discworld ,
doctor who ,
dracula dossier ,
dragonmeet ,
dramasystem ,
dread ,
dreamhounds of paris ,
dune ,
dungeon world ,
dungeons ,
durance ,
eclipse phase ,
empire of the petal throne ,
everway ,
fallen london ,
fantasy ,
fate ,
fear itself ,
feng shui ,
fiasco ,
fief ,
for players ,
forgotten futures ,
forsooth! ,
freemarket ,
fringeworthy ,
fudge ,
gamma world ,
gangbusters ,
gear krieg ,
godlike ,
grey ranks ,
greyhawk ,
gumshoe ,
gurps ,
gurps time travel ,
harn ,
harnmaster ,
harp ,
hero system ,
heroquest ,
hillfolk ,
horror ,
in a wicked age ,
in nomine ,
in spaaace ,
infinite worlds ,
jags wonderland ,
lace & steel ,
lady blackbird ,
legend of the five rings ,
lords of creation ,
luftwaffe 1946 ,
madness dossier ,
mage the ascension ,
masterbook ,
merp ,
microscope ,
millennium's end ,
modern day ,
monster hunters ,
monster of the week ,
montsegur 1244 ,
necessary evil ,
nexus ,
nexus the infinite city ,
night's black agents ,
nobilis ,
numenera ,
ogre ,
over the edge ,
paranoia ,
pendragon ,
pre-written adventures ,
primetime adventures ,
reign ,
reign of steel ,
rifts ,
ringworld ,
rocket age ,
rolemaster ,
runequest ,
savage worlds ,
science fiction ,
shadowrun ,
sorcerer ,
space 1889 ,
space master ,
space opera ,
story games ,
sufficiently advanced ,
superhero 2044 ,
tales from the floating vagabond ,
tales of the floating vagabond ,
talislanta ,
technomancer ,
the arduin grimoire ,
the esoterrorists ,
the great dalmuti ,
the laundry files ,
the mountain witch ,
the price of freedom ,
the quiet year ,
time travel ,
timelords ,
timemaster ,
timeship ,
torg ,
trail of cthulhu ,
transhuman space ,
transhumanism ,
traveller ,
traveller 2300 ,
twilight 2000 ,
universe ,
unknown armies ,
vampire the masquerade ,
victoriana ,
warp ,
weird war ii ,
werewolf the apocalypse ,
world war ii ,
wraith the oblivion .