I Knew There Was Going To Be a But
01 January 2025
This month, Mike and Roger look at Roger's latest enthusiasm,
Mongoose's revision of the Bayern campaign for 2300 AD.
A Mad Career Towards Some Dreadful Ending
01 December 2023
This month, Roger and Mike consider railroading, its inevitability,
and how to build characters who are a good fit for the campaign.
Quite Gnostic In Places
01 November 2023
This month, Mike and Roger dissect Mongoose Traveller and a couple
of campaigns Mike has run with it.
Character Description Language
01 October 2023
This month, Roger and Mike consider class-and-level and other ways of
building and improving characters.
The Friends You Leave In Shallow Graves
01 June 2023
This month, Roger and Mike consider making travel interesting, and ask
whether RPGs need escapism.
A Strong Antinomian Tendency
01 May 2023 - 2 comments
This month, Mike and Roger do an end-of-the-season review of one of
Roger’s masterpieces and let their inner Grumpy Old Men out to have a
rant or two.
Determinedly Cheerful Or Just Obtuse
01 March 2023
This month, Mike and Roger ask what makes a hero, and look into the
benefits and drawbacks of doing character generation as a group.
You Could See Coronation Street From There
01 December 2022
It's our tenth anniversary! So as a special exception to our usual
format we talk to each other.
I'm A Perfectionist and I Don't Have the Rent to Pay
01 February 2022 - 2 comments
This month, Roger and Mike review Mongoose's Traveller . (We had a
lot of lag, which I've tried to fix.)
Fundamental GURPSiness
01 May 2021
This month, Mike and Roger have played James Bond 007 (thanks to
friend of the show Brett Evill) and consider how to de-crunch a
crunchy game.
Unchained Unicorn
01 May 2020
This month, Mike and Roger rebuild the world, and chat with friend of
the show Dr Bob about Astronautilus Productions.
Merely an Engsvanyáli Garderobe
01 January 2019 - 4 comments
This month, Mike and Roger search for secret doors, are intimidated by
some but not all "large" campaign settings, and consider how to do
cultural appropriation with respect.
I'm Not Quite Sure How You Pervert the Halflings
01 October 2018
This month, Roger and Mike run through the GURPS Spaceships series,
and consider how and when to construct your own setting.
It Still Feels Like Dying While You're Doing It
01 January 2018
This month, Mike and Roger look at what it takes to do Star Trek
"right", and explore the language of role-playing and its native
narrative forms; and Mike perpetrates a carefully-organised surprise.
I Blamed It On a Dragon Of Their Acquaintance
01 October 2017 - 26 comments
This month, Roger and Mike lack enthusiasm, contemplate great big
detailed settings, and wonder how you lot got involved in role-playing
Chunky Policeman Kibble
01 September 2017 - 9 comments
This month, Mike and Roger contemplate types of government, and look
at #RPGADay for 2017.
It All Comes Down to Fire In the End
01 August 2017 - 6 comments
This month, Roger and Mike give advice to the GM of a new time travel
game, and consider the thousands of worlds of a Traveller-style
setting: what makes them interesting? How can this work?
Much More Likely To Survive the First Civil War
01 July 2017 - 5 comments
This month, Mike and Roger contemplate long-term campaigns with gaps,
travel in gaming time, and consider tech levels: threat or menace?
The Rough Wheels of their Intellects
01 November 2015 - 7 comments
This month, Mike and Roger talk about how to get started in Tékumel,
the negotiations at the start of a campaign, an anniversary adventure,
and the shaving of yaks.
Corrupt and Decadent Astrophysicists
01 March 2015 - 1 comment
This month, Mike and Roger consider doom and gloom: backwards
character progression, campaigns after the big hero or villain is
gone, and game worlds in which things are slowly getting worse.
Everybody Ignores Radiation Shielding
01 December 2013
This month, Mike and Roger bring 2300AD out of the cupboard, take another look at Torg, and consider death and other things players don't like.
In Space
01 April 2013
This month, Roger and Mike look at Space Opera, and interstellar
science fiction gaming in general.