Roger's Pocketmod rules
Here are some condensed rule books for board games I like,
formatted as Pocketmod to make eight-page mini-booklets. You can find
assembly instructions (one cut and several folds) here.
Alternatively, if text works for you:
- Mountain fold in half parallel to long edge, and unfold.
- Mountain fold in half parallel to short edge.
- Valley fold in quarters parallel to short edge (you now have a
four-sheet-thick concertina) and unfold half-way.
- Cut along vertical centreline from upper to lower valley
- Fold left protrusion down, right protrusion up.
- Re-fold the vertical mountain fold.
- Re-fold the horizontal valley fold to put front cover at front
of booklet.
Everything here is written by RogerBW and is released cc-by-sa-nc.
If you want the LibreOffice source to use the text elsewhere, get in